Too much and too wordy for right now.
So first post back is gonna be about how August is women in translation month! Is anyone else joining in? I thought I‘d share these two translated works from my viragos. Lots of you are loving Achilles and Circe atm so I thought I‘d showcase these translated works about women from the Greek myths. I‘m hoping I will get to these this month. #vmc #womenintranslation #witmonth
This is the best book I've read this year. A philosophical examination of gender, power, art and war, translated from Christa Wolf's German. She tells Cassandra's story in a stream-of-consciousness narration that explores the ironies of the Trojan War from the viewpoint of the woman who saw it all coming, but thanks to a curse from Apollo, was not believed.
i am in my childhood bedroom for the holiday weekend, and LO: the few books my parents kept from my pre-college collection. a snapshot of my teenage mental life (we all went thru a Rand phase, right?)