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Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb
Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb | François-René de Chateaubriand
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The most enjoyable, glamorous and gripping of all 19th-century autobiographies - a tumultuous account of France hit by wave after wave of revolutions Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb is the greatest and most influential of all French autobiographies - an extraordinary, highly entertaining account of a uniquely adventurous and frenzied life. Chateaubriand gives a superb narrative of the major events of his life - which spanned the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Era and the uneasy period that led up to the Revolution of 1830.
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Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb | François-René de Chateaubriand
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A book I read last year, 2 volumes of very very very thin thousands pages, classic French literature, passionating.

Leniverse This looks interesting! But it looks like only vol 1 is available unabridged in English. And then there's a translation of both volumes in one, but it is under 500 pages, so it must be very abridged. 😒 7y
GabrielleDubois @Leniverse Oh really? I don't know if it's available in English, I read it in French. I check and I come back to you. 7y
GabrielleDubois @Leniverse Yes, you're right, I saw only 2 different editions on Internet and both had only around 500 pages. My 2 volumes are around 2500 pages and written so small that I had to change my glasses! Well,I don't know what to say. 😞 7y
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Leniverse I guess abridged is better than nothing... but it doesn't sit well with me 😕 Maybe there will be a complete translation at some point. Doesn't appear to be anything in a Scandinavian language, and only severely abridged in German (although I'm not sure I'd attempt something that massive in German). 7y
GabrielleDubois @Leniverse So you're polyglot! What's your first language, if I may ask? I speak a little German, I learned it in school and went in Germany.But I can read only in French. 7y
Leniverse Norwegian is my first language. That gives me Swedish and Danish for free, that is, I understand them but can't write or speak them. I live in the U.K. and am fluent in English. I had German for five years in school, with the result that I can read it (non-fiction at least), but not speak it. 😂 I did speak some French, after living in Paris for a year, but I am afraid that has lapsed and I was never able to read French. 7y
GabrielleDubois @Leniverse I'm really impressed! I lived for two years in London. I understand you don't read in French, it's a difficult language when not your first language. In fact, I never tried to read in English, except some poems by Shakespeare and Yeats. Even if I don't understand each word, I really enjoy the music of poetry. 7y
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Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb | François-René de Chateaubriand
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An old book edited in 1825. It's just absolutely moving to touch a book that another #reader opened nearly two hundred years ago.

Cathythoughts That is amazing 🙠7y
GabrielleDubois @Cathythoughts Yes, it is! I love so much old books! 7y
DivineDiana Yes! It must be moving. (edited) 7y
GabrielleDubois @DivineDiana Are you a lucky reader who can sometimes read old books? 7y
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