The hunting accident is a graphic novel by David L. Carson. This is the true story of a bum that became blind and went to prison. He wants to prevent his son from following the same path.
The hunting accident is a graphic novel by David L. Carson. This is the true story of a bum that became blind and went to prison. He wants to prevent his son from following the same path.
An astounding true story about relationships, a Chicago father‘s blindness, his time spent in prison with Nathan Leopold (half of the duo that committed the Crime of the Century), and the way poetry can change our outlook. Moody, intricate crosshatch artwork tells much of the story, which the author says is “an effort to revive the magic and wonder of the human experience.” A big fat rewarding #graphicnovel . 😍
My father and I had long conversations about stories and the imagination. He was utterly convinced about the secret language of the poet.
Humans can think at the rate of 3,000 words per minute but can only listen at a rate of up to 150 words per minute. The difference between the sense of hearing and the skill of listening is that in order to listen the brain must want to comprehend the content.
Braille books are big and heavy, so Charlie uses a dolly to return and pick up his blind father‘s books from the library. I use a rolling cart, and I don‘t have the excuse of braille books.
“It had never occurred to me to ask my father why he was blind, but suddenly, I needed to know. That‘s when he told me about the hunting accident.”
This true story in comics format has gripped me right off the bat.
3.5-4 stars
Read this graphic novel biography this evening. I found the story to be interesting, but nothing compared to the illustrations. They were beyond amazing.