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When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson

The description of Omar being what I would describe as depressed after his interview is very interesting. I think the authors do a great job of describing this feeling in a way that readers who haven't felt this way before would be able to relate to. I think they do a great job of using language that middle schoolers could absorb/understand.

When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson

I felt bad for Omar when he found out he was on the resettlement list. I cannot imagine the amount of pressure he was under. He is just a child, but he was the person having to complete the interview and care for his special needs brother. He also describes how he was becoming retraumatized trying to remember everything that happened in his hometown. That is just a lot of pressure for anyone, especially a child.

sofiajurado I felt the same way when I read that part too. It felt like the social worker wasn't considerate of the way reliving that time in his life would make him feel. It also really put into perspective how young he and Hassan were and how young they were when they were initially displaced. They went through so much at a young age and still continued to hope for resettlement, despite the amount of pressure it also put on them. 31m
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When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson

On page 37 Omar talks about how “...the star makes [him] feel safe, like [his] mom and dad are nearby“ which made me think about the title of the book and if the authors are foreshadowing. If the stars represent his family, I think the book will probably be about getting separated from his family.

When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson

I really liked how the authors framed the first couple of pages of the book. I thought it was interesting how they not only introduced Hassan and Omar but also demonstrated some of their dynamic before letting the readers know Hassan has a disability. I feel like it was extremely intentional to show the readers that they still had “typical“ sibling interactions before sharing information about Hassan's disability.

When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson
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If anyone in interested in another graphic novel about a boy's experience in a refugee camp, I highly recommend checking out Baddawi by Leila Abdelrazaq. It tells the story of Ahmad, a Palestinian refugee who, along with thousands of other Palestinians, was forced out of his home due to conflicts in the mid 1900s in their homeland. Both stories portray the lives of growing boys as they navigate their uncertain circumstances as refugees.

When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson

This was an amazing story! Omar and Hassan's childhood may look a lot different from a lot of young readers' lives, and I think that's the beauty of turning this story into a children's graphic novel; kids can read about Omar and Hassan's story--can look through all of the colorful drawings of the boys' lives--and get a better understanding of the world around them. I can't wait to recommend this novel to readers both young and old.

abbytayloryalit I agree that Omar and Hassan's childhoods look different than the readers' childhoods but at the same time I also love how they have a pretty typical sibling relationship despite the circumstances which I feel like the readers could relate to. 28m
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When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson
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This page of the novel is so touching, in my opinion. I think it's really beautiful that amidst all of the struggles, conflicts, hardships, and uncertainties the boys faced on a daily basis, they still found home within each other. No matter what came their way, they still had each other. They were brothers above all else, and that's a really special bond to have in such an uncertain environment as a refugee camp.

Spinning | Tillie Walden
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I have a busy month. Hoping I get all my challenges in!
#Bookspin #Doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2h
AmyG I just finished God of the Woods so I change that book to Real Americans. Oops 1h
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I Am Pusheen the Cat | Claire Belton
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My friend‘s Pusheen stuffy now has her own hand-knit sweater. This was reverse engineered from the Barnes and Noble exclusive Pusheen that came with a cable knit sweater. It‘s on upside down because this particular Pusheen‘s front paws are tucked in rather than outstretched 😂 but the sleeve placement works!

Jari-chan That's adorable 😍 I love Pusheen ❤️ 9h
rabbitprincess @Jari-chan She is extremely cute! I can‘t get over just how many cute plushies there are. My friend has a lot of them so I get to live vicariously through her 😂 8h
Jari-chan @rabbitprincess I'm somewhat jealous, I have to admit 😅😁 8h
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When Stars Are Scattered | Victoria Jamieson
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I love how the authors drop nuggets of information throughout this novel. Now, we know of different motivations Omar has, and it‘s done in a very clever and impactful way.