Nothing like a book of doggy stories to move the heart. Rescue dogs are the best dogs. #dogsoflitsy
Nothing like a book of doggy stories to move the heart. Rescue dogs are the best dogs. #dogsoflitsy
And this is another of our rescue doggies (we have 3 in total). We got Darby when he was 4ish, so now he‘s about 12ish. Deaf as, and is slowing down, but as lovable and loving as anything. Dogs do have magical properties and teach us a lot about ourselves. #dogsoflitsy
When listening to a book of stories about rescue dogs, I had to go and get my own rescue doggies and bring them in for a cuddle. This is Shadow. She‘s 7 and weighs about 32kg. She would sleep on my lap like a cat if she could fit! Been with us since she was a pup. Foster fail! #dogslitsy
Just became available on BorrowBox (audio and rebook borrowing in Australia)a few days before it was due to. Looking forward to this one, tho I usually avoid animal stories in fear that they will make me cry. A few tears over a good story is a good thing tho :-) it might be totally uplifting with no tears too! Our dogs are rescues so this will hit home.
It's day 10 for #nonficnov and the theme is animals/pets. I am loving the newly published book 'Rescued' by Peter Zheutlin. WONDERFUL, heartfelt book. Not you typical rescue story. I felt like the author really examined our love for dogs and why the bond is so strong. Five paws up! 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾