In honor of #womenshistorymonth tag a book, memoir, historical fiction, whatever of a woman from history you admire in the comments. I wanna fill up my TBR with interesting and admirable women! 👩❤💪
Today was Nashville‘s Women‘s Day on the Hill and my group (TN Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence) helped host Tarana Burke as our speaker. Tarana is the founder of the international #metoo movement. What a force women are when we come together- have an amazing Women‘s Week littens and read great literature by and about women!💪
Got turned down for this ARC a little while ago which I was sliiiiiightly very bitter over but now I have it in my hands!!! Feminism! Drinking! Two of my favorite things in one cute little book.
In other news, today is National Pancake Day and we celebrated by making pancakes for dinner (my all time fav pancake recipe is from that Harry Potter cookbook. YOM) and now I'm suffering from some pretty awful heartburn. No regrets yet. Will update.
"Fighting for the rights of women means nothing if you're not fighting for the rights of people of all gender expressions, races, religions, sexualities, ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, and abilities."
This is a cocktail book that makes cheesy feminist puns off of real drinks with a statement on the importance of intersectionality in the introduction.
#brbimtouchedatthiswriting #thisishowtobeafeminist
Omg 🙈🍹
Wrapping this for a friend for our annual gift exchange tonight! I just might have to borrow it after the fact...or buy my own copy. 🎁 🤶🎄☃️