Overall, I enjoyed it, but while some stories got me addicted to the book, others took me ages to get into. It is very well written, but I'm not seeing myself re-reading it in the future, so I'll be passing it along.
"A Federal agent is haunted by guilt for his failure to prevent a presidential assassination that rocked the world. Yet beneath that trauma lies an an even darker secret that can only be revealed by Flashback, the most deviously potent mind drug ever devised by pharmaceutical science"
"A young Sioux warrior embarks on a vision quest that will change him and his world forever. In an erotic night charged with peril, he will be forced to make a choice of the right woman, or die. And with his death will die the last chance for his people to triumph over the white man's scourge that is about to sweep the earth"
"A man discovers and returns to the flesh bazaars of Southeast Asia over the years spanning the Vietnam War to our own time of plague. There, he is hopelessly ensnared by a woman with a rare and shocking sexual gift, as well as the power to seduce and destroy both body and soul"
A look at the other four Novellas in the collection
"A father and his young daughter start their road trip on the highway out of Denver, when suddenly the humdrum accident statistics of the insurance companies take on a terrifying reality. Now, a pitched battle between love and laughter..and pain and death on the other side begins...desperate devotion to his child against the massed forces of chaos in the universe"
In honor of #Veteran'sDay I'm posting this awesome collection of five #novellas that explore the exquisite conjunction of love and death.
In particular the fifth novella entitled #TheGreatLover is a historical fiction about a #WWI #Poet loosely based on #WilfredOwen, #SiegfriedSassoon, #RupertBrooke and #A.G.West
So moving was this Novella that I chose to adapt this into a screenplay for an advanced screenwriting class at #IthacaCollege