Reading takes you in all sorts of directions! Today it takes me through this door - the Museum of Archaeology, to learn more about Kathleen Kenyon working in Jerusalem in the 1950s.
Reading takes you in all sorts of directions! Today it takes me through this door - the Museum of Archaeology, to learn more about Kathleen Kenyon working in Jerusalem in the 1950s.
Definitely still magic to me. I know there's been some revisions with new archaeology and analysis, but the broad picture is vivid and well argued.
I loved this as a kid for some reason, absolutely read it to bits. It was just so magical to me, and amazing to think of these other long ago humans -- especially the details like Tutankhamen and his wife having their miscarried foetuses embalmed like adults. It's projecting a little to imagine their grief, but still...
So anyway, found a new copy, rereading, it's still magic.