Anyone here doing World Book Night in a couple of weeks? 😊
Anyone here doing World Book Night in a couple of weeks? 😊
Beauty is a phantom. It has no physical reality.
To us, beauty is the inches that fingers can count,
Beauty is the flawlessness of our skin and the allure of our eyes.
To us, beauty is the texture of our hair, beauty is the colour of our skin.
But true beauty is a phantom. It has no physical reality.
It is our genteel spirits,
And comforting embraces.
It is the tacit scars of a vanquished battle, and the heart we own, though not our own.
Crazy just crazy!! Reading this book is eye opening!! Just nuts how easy it is to get addicted to drugs and makes me worry about kids these days!! Been clean 8 years myself definitely one of the hardest times of my life but so glad I did!!! “I just want to get drunk and smoke pot and do some blow with my friends and have it not be like this HUGE deal”
I had read another book by Anonymous called Go Ask Alice. I know a lot of people didn‘t care the book but I found it entertaining. 3 of 5 stars for me.
Although this one isn't based on a true story like the first one, it was still pretty crazy to read how much drugs can damage your life...The impact of these stories are heartbreaking, I do like these books, I find the diary feel very compelling, although this one was a bit flat and boring
Love anonymous. These diary like books are eye opening and super sad but they make you think about things.