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Island of Exiles
Island of Exiles | Erica Cameron
6 posts | 5 read | 7 to read
In Khya’s world, every breath is a battle. On the isolated desert island of Shiara, dying young is inevitable. The clan comes before self, and protecting her home means Khya is a warrior above all else. But when following the clan and obeying their leaders could cost her brother his life, Khya's home becomes a deadly trap. The only person who can help is Tessen, her lifelong rival and the boy who challenges her at every turn. The council she hoped to join has betrayed her, and their secrets, hundreds of years deep, reach around a world she's never seen. To save her brother’s life and her island home, her only choice is to trust Tessen, turn against her clan, and go on the run—a betrayal and a death sentence.
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Island of Exiles | Erica Cameron
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Unfortunately pretty run-of-the-mill fantasy, albeit the nonchalant inclusion of a non-binary / third gender/sex, asexuality, and bisexuality (not that I'm down playing that!). Both the world building and the characters felt underdeveloped and not especially unique, which is particularly annoying when the book has 400 pages in which to do so! #QueerYA

Island of Exiles | Erica Cameron
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That feeling when you're in the middle of two other good books but your hold becomes available from the library and you're contemplating just starting that one! I love the cover of the first volume of season 10 of Buffy.

Island of Exiles | Erica Cameron
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Two-thirds of the way through this and my attention is starting to waver... Has anyone else read this #YA?

Island of Exiles | Erica Cameron
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Living my best life with tea, queer YA book, and a bath with rose petals and Epsom salts. #QueerBooks #QueerYA #BisexualBooks

Bookzombie Nice! 7y
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Island of Exiles | Erica Cameron
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I dove into this story! The world-building is top-notch. Magick seems to be something the majority of the population can use, and comes in many different flavours. Itagamin society as fascinating to the anthropologist in me. This society has three different genders. Besides male and female, there are the ebet, who use the pronouns 'ey‘, 'eir‘ and 'em‘. As for characters, though, Khya leaves much to be desired... Love Tessen! Such a sweetie.

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Island of Exiles | Erica Cameron
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This book was absolutely fantastic! It was diverse and the world was spectacular. The stakes were high from start to finish. Reading Khya struggle to save her brother and her land was amazing. This was filled with an intricate world with amazing layers of magic and characters.

I received this review copy from Entangled Publishing on NetGalley, thoughts are my own!

Full review: http://blog.makaylasophia.com/post/168777626368/islandofexiles

Bklover Welcome to Litsy! 7y
Tadams4 Welcome to Litsy! You are gonna love it here! 7y
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