Three weeks left to my half marathon. Proud of the result considering the extremely hot weather in Luxembourg! I could only be motivated to do it thanks to the tagged book #5k #sundayrun #irunsoicanreadmore
Three weeks left to my half marathon. Proud of the result considering the extremely hot weather in Luxembourg! I could only be motivated to do it thanks to the tagged book #5k #sundayrun #irunsoicanreadmore
I started this book looking for ideas to find focus before my next half marathon and I finished it feeling that I have really all the tools to become a real athlete. I'll recommend it to anybody who wants to start train thoroughly or wants to increase their performance!
Got inspired by #TheBraveAthlete to wake up and train. No excuses, no bail out, only positive reinforcement, suffering and pain management. I could have done better, but I did it! This book makes miracles, it should be a #mustread for all athletes or wannabes
I have a Chimp brain wired up and winning all the arguments. This year it is gonna be me and Mr Professor brain taking over again!! #smartreading #nofictiom #rise
Every athlete should read this book, probably twice.
My husband gets me. Lol. In my pursuit of more distance races, I have a new motivation.