A sweet historical romance
A sweet historical romance
Book haul from the library sale. Can‘t wait to get started. #summerreading
Delicious book to read when you are laid out with Covid. Can‘t wait to read more…when I can get back to the library.
This book is not my usual genre. It was a little heavy on the religion but otherwise a sweet story set on Mackinac Island. We were visiting the island and Michele Olson the author was there. I can‘t pass up an opportunity to meet an author and support an indie bookstore.
So sad that there isn‘t a third. Enjoyable read, if a bit long in the middle.
It‘s summer vacation, just started my first book! How many can I read before school starts up again in August?
This is a scathing indictment of American policy toward non-white, non-male, non-Christian people. No politician is given a pass. It also included the stories of how America chewed through its soldiers, just more fodder for war. The book talked about burn pits, and even as recently as 2020 the government was insisting they weren‘t a danger. Democratic hands have blood on them, but Republicans have been bathing in blood for decades.
The greatest con conservatives pulled was to convince Christians that being anti-abortion is the only requirement to have a “culture of life.” While they go on to support the death penalty, guns in every hand, a health care system that forces people to choose between food or medicine, and to reject safety measures that have left nearly a million dead during a pandemic. Don‘t believe me, read this book.
I devoured this book! I love the traveling trope. It pulled at all my emotions. Better than her first novel.
I really enjoyed this book. Former lovers/current enemies tropes aren‘t always my favorite. But this book really pulled me in the whole time.
This book couldn‘t be more relevant to my life. I just took Environmental Law last semester and my husband has cancer from an environmental disaster. So much wrong with the legal details but the cathartic, a reminder that the fight is worth it. It was probably just the book I needed, even if it was hard.
Well written, easy to follow, and a quick read. But Breyer‘s perspective on the court comes off as naive at best, denialist at worst.
Enjoyed this book, i think it is her first novel. Really good first book!
1/52 Excellent book to start the year! The writing alone is beautifully crafted. The subject matter, though, is necessary reading. I am working to change my “white gaze,” this book is an excellent explanation of all the ways whiteness harms BIPOC, and proximity to whiteness is no protection.
I found this book when looking for self help books with curse words in their title. It‘s a little dated now, he asks what would happen if Trump faced a real emergency, would he lie about it? And now we know the answer, yes he would.
However, the book in the whole makes an excellent case to conservatives not support Trump.
It‘s been so long since I read Cat‘s books that I think it made it a little less enjoyable because I couldn‘t remember who Ian was or who Veritas was, though, I think she was a more minor character.
But otherwise, it was a fun book. I can‘t wait to read the next in the series.
I was recommended this book by a progressive Christian to help deal with with some hard times I was going through. This is not a progressive book, it is Evangelical and I have serious theological disagreements with Evangelicals. So keep that in mind. Otherwise, there were some real beautiful parts that dealt with grief and pain without pushing it to the side for toxic positivity.
It is not often I stay up late to finish a book nearly all in one setting but I did last night. It is a matter of indulgence. Excellent character interactions, wonderful plot. I just couldn‘t put it down.
What an interesting life! I enjoyed this book quite a bit. His story really opened up the world of South Africa to me.
There is a stark difference between Jesus of the Bible and white Christianity. The two are completely incompatible. And while this isn‘t the first book in this genre, it just adds more historical fact to prove that white Christians worship power more than Jesus. This book should convict white Christians to ask who their god really is.
The church has lost its way. This book did an excellent job of using data and personal stories to draw a direct line from purity culture to abuse. To put a finer point on it, purity culture is abuse.
This is an important book on my journey to deconstruct my faith.
Took me a little longer to get into than some of her other stories but I enjoyed it. Sarah MacLean never disappoints.
This book was clearly written to exonerate Trump‘s inner circle but Trump clearly still is a danger for our country and anyone who supports him clearly opposes the very idea of democracy.
As always, Woodward‘s books allow us a behind the scene look into the politics of the presidency. It was especially interesting to read about the military‘s perspective on an Afghanistan pull out.
The first book I read by Stacy Reid and it was delicious. Her style reminds me a lot of Tessa Dare. I can‘t wait to read another!
As I‘ve been on my own journey of expelling all the heresy from my faith, I‘ve come to similar conclusions. Admittedly, I‘m not a Biblical scholar, so it‘s nice to read something that lays the historical basis. I can‘t ever go back. As Christianity stands today, I am not Christian. But this book reminded me that you can actually follow Christ, that is scandalous and requires a rejection of American Christianity. That‘s where I am.
I loved this book. The hero was disabled and had to overcome his fear of rejection. It was so sweet. The whole book pulled me in and never let me go. I‘ve been looking for another author like Tessa Dare, and I think Stacy Reid is who I‘ve been looking for.
Ooh, loved this. Powerful, protective guy who could stifle his love interest but instead is attracted to her intelligence and respects her.
Good book, having read a lot about Elizabeth I, it was nice to get a different opinion of her. Royal conflict is a deadly game and everyone in it knows it.
The hero was such a good person. It was so refreshing, but sadly, took a little to get into. I‘m so used to a man needing to be reformed. But in the end, I read the second half of the book in one sitting. The banter between the characters, the misfit storyline, and the tackling of racism all made for a an excellent story! I can‘t wait for the next installment.
“The truth of this pandemic is the truth of all suffering: that it is unjustly distributed.”
So much of her experience resonates with our experience. The pandemic brought home the stark reality that we can not control all things, that suffering is universal. But as middle class Americans, we can pretend otherwise. Cancer forces you to face your mortality but also grab all the joy from each moment.
Perhaps not my favorite trope, I didn‘t really get into the relationship. Of note, it‘s a clean romance, which I also enjoy. But if the relationship between the characters isn‘t working, it‘s even more noticeable in a clean romance.
Gave this a five star rating on Goodreads. Wonderful banter between the characters. Really pulled me in, can‘t wait to read more from this author.
My first Eva Devon book. I enjoyed it, though a bit boring in the middle.
Some really great information about partisan decision making. But it is very technical and since I listened to it, I didn‘t get to look at the charts that are probably necessary. More anecdotes would make it more accessible with all the technical information.
This book wasn‘t really focused on areas that I need to strengthen. But I read self help books with curse words in their title, so I had to check it out.
A sweet book that tried to do too much. It wanted to be a mystery and a romance and I think that made it less of either.
I just discovered this author. Love her! Yummy romances. Picked it up with a Sophie Jordan new release at the library. It‘s a good week for reading.
Enjoyable book, can‘t wait to read the fourth installment.
Not my favorite of her books but it still made for a good read to wind down in the midst of law school.