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The Adulterants
The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
8 posts | 6 read | 21 to read
Fresh, sharp and wickedly funny, a tragicomic tale of modern living from the author of Submarine Ray is not a bad guy. He mostly did not cheat on his heavily pregnant wife. He only sometimes despises every one of his friends. And though his career as a freelance tech journalist is dismal and he spends his afternoons churning out third-rate listicles in his boxer briefs, he dreams of making a difference. But Ray is about to learn that his special talent is for making things worse. Brace yourself for a wickedly funny look at the modern everyman. The Adulterants is an uproarious tale of competitively sensitive men and catastrophic open marriages, riots on the streets of London and Internet righteousness, and one man's valiant quest to come of age in his thirties. With lacerating wit and wry affection, Joe Dunthorne dissects the urban millennial psyche of a man too old to be an actual millennial.
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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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I'm glad this was a short book, or I think I would have bailed. For most of the novel I was feeling that I was too old to have any sympathy for the characters, particularly the immature and irresponsible MC narrator, but by the end I found myself saddened by the situation he found himself in. There is some amusing social satire along the way but overall it only rates a So-So.

BooknerdsLife Great review 👏🏼💓 5y
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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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Browsing pt. II

I really want to read this book! 😍

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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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Oh man! So- this was a Bookclub choice, under 200 pages and set in my neighbourhood. That‘s all the good bits! As for the rest, I didn‘t care for Ray the manchild who is emotionally stunted, irresponsible & self centred and the caste of characters around him didn‘t fair too well either! Definitely not one I‘ll be recommending- even though I‘m now walking down my street wondering which of my neighbours may have inspired the author!

SandyW 😂 7y
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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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Scrolled past this article on Facebook. The book is about a man-child who blames his problems on everyone else and the publisher is giving away copies to man-children that are nominated (anonymously) by friends and family with the idea they can do self reflection. It‘s an interesting marketing strategy at least.

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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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This book is funny, a quick read about a "manchild" whose life falls apart (but it was probably doomed already.)
Funnier is Tin House's promotional campaign, pictured.
Book comes out tomorrow (March 6, 2018.) eARC from publisher @Tin_House

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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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Interesting marketing campaign. I wonder how it will work out.

balletbookworm I‘m thinking that‘s a little high-concept for the manchildren in question. Interesting to see how that plays out (edited) 7y
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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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Lord, grant me the self-confidence of a mediocre white dude.

I think this novel is supposed to be satirical, but it really just comes off as the narrative of some sad-sack idiot who isn‘t even as remotely woke as he thinks he is. He kind of deserves everything that happens.

Thanks Tin House Galley Club for the ARC

Leftcoastzen 🤣😂 7y
readingjedi Sad-sack, an under-used insult if ever there was one! 7y
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The Adulterants | JOE DUNTHORNE
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Tin House is inviting early readers to join our Galley Club! Be the first to read Joe Dunthorne's THE ADULTERANTS, a piercingly funny coming-of-age story about a protagonist who's a little too old to be coming of age. Tea Obreht calls THE ADULTERANTS "dark, beautifully wry, and side-splittingly excruciating . . . a triumph of voice and vision." To join Galley Club, email your mailing address to galleyclub@tinhouse.com. Limited copies available!

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