I listened to the Poet read the audiobook while I read along with the print version. The collection flowed like a stage play in verse.
I listened to the Poet read the audiobook while I read along with the print version. The collection flowed like a stage play in verse.
Stopped at my library to pick up my latest #tob to come off hold and decided to peruse the #poetry shelf. Selected the slimmest collections available. 🤣 Was excited that one of the poets has been #PoetLaureate and held in high esteem. #poemeveryday2020
Tracy K. Smith is so good ?
My favorite poems were "Duende," "In Brazil," and "When Zappa Crashes My Family Reunion."
First time #audiobooking poetry. I usually appreciate works read by the author but I found Smith's rendition stilted. Her work is powerful though, some of the poems resonating more with me than others.
#poetrychallenge2018 i missed last month...actually thought I had read a collection but didn't, so making the extra effort this month!
I was so moved by “Theft” in Tracy K. Smith‘s excellent volume, Duende, that I was compelled to read the story that inspired it. Here is a link if anyone else is interested... https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/identity-theft/Content?oid=913485
Reading a couple poems out of this blazing collection while I wait for Little Blue the Wonder Honda to heat up.