#Scarathalondailyprompt #TeamSlaughter
Playing catch up
4 - Scream
#Scarathalondailyprompt #TeamSlaughter
Playing catch up
4 - Scream
Last Thursday I found myself in a bookshop in a city I‘d never been to before. It was my first trip anywhere in ages. While perusing the shelves I discovered another reason I like Edvard Munch. His angst drove him to create sublime works of art I can definitely relate to. 😱
“My whole life has been spent walking by the side of a bottomless chasm, jumping from stone to stone. Sometimes I try to leave my narrow path and join the swirling mainstream of life, but I always find myself drawn inexorably back towards the chasm's edge, and there I shall walk until the day I finally fall into the abyss.” - Edvard Munch
#NuYear #MyLastDay