love this!!
love this!!
I love that a big chucks of these poems are written for his wife Amanda Lovelace, known for her own poetry (the princess saves herself in this one & the witch doesn't burn in this one)! I liked it, but a lot of poems didn't resonate with me the way Amanda's poetry or Rupi Kaur's poetry did. That being said, it was a wonderful read and I give it 3.5 stars out of 5!
Picking up some poetry! I read both Amanda Lovelace's poetry collections and this is written by her husband! So far their styles are very similar, but it really resonates with me. Simple but gorgeous!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ it‘s worthy of so much more! This was so beautifully written by the end I was crying big ugly tears. Just as my heart broke open for Cyrus, I turned the page and he was right there mending it back together. Looks like Amanda saved us both in this one. His journey to Lasting Love is a timeless tale, one that will forever be etched on my heart. Forget Romeo and Juliet I want a Love like Cyrus & Amanda 💕
I don‘t think I‘ve ever related to something this much in my life.............