"We will be reminded – once more – that love is a skill, not an emotion"
"But loving sombody isn't perfection and good times and laughing and making love. Love is forgiveness and patience and faith and every once in a while, it's a git punch"
I decided that this year, I was going to try some of the Reese Witherspoon's bookclub books. This was their January one and it sounds real good, so let's see where this goes
I don't exactly know how I feel about thia book. I enjoyed it, but it was slow. The part about 9/11 really hit me hard and I loved the first half of the book, but I'm just not sure I really liked the rest of it. Some bits I really enjoyed, others not that much. 3/5 just feels fair for this one, that's the best explanation I've got
It's been a while since I bought myself a new book. I saw this one at work today and it intrigued me right away, so I decided to get it :)
Been crocheting so much lately, I pretty much spend all my money on yarn 😅
This book started out so good, but then it only went downhill. There was no plot and the changing POVs didn't make it any easier. This book had such a promising premise, only the execution really lacked in my opinion. It left me disappointed and unsatisfied
On to the next one, apparently first published using another title! The tagline on the back intrigues me: 'If a machine could offer a prescription for happiness but you might not like the results would you take the test?' Would you? 🤔
This was good, I liked how the story progressed, but it didn't suck me in as much as I had hoped. But hey, it was still an awesome read that felt real, the characters and the places. That's always a plus for me!
V. E. Schwab signed the whole trilogy, and wrote my name in this one! I feel so happyyyy 🤭🤓
I met V. E. Schwab today at YALFU in Utrecht!! First time ever meeting a 'big' author, it was so cool!!
I recently rediscovered my love for crochet, so I haven't been reading as much, but this Stephen King book is pretty awesome so far!!
Time to break in my new bookmark my colleague gave me after her month in South Korea and time for the new Stephen King!!
3,5/5 ⭐
I can't really put this rating into words, it just feels right. I loved Theo's fascination with this painting, how Tart wrote about how you can feel so close to a piece of art. Also, all the descriptions about the antiques and how Hobie worked on them, really interested me! Overall, I really quite liked most of the book, though not everything. I would recommend it though!!
Such a worthy sequel in my opinion, my goodness. Though I saw the little twist coming from the beginning, it was so good! This story definitely answers a lot of questions that I had after The Handmaid's Tale and I liked it very much. It's so satisfying to know what happened!!
Today The Testaments FINALLY arrived at work! Our English book supplier was suffering from a malfunction in their system the paat couple days, so it got in 2 days late 😭 But now here it is and here I go!!
The Man Booker shortlist is here, no Lanny, sadly. I'm so excited to get my hands on The Testaments though!!
It's the first of September, let's get back to school! 🤓⚡
Not a typo this time 😜
How, exactly, does one shrug 'Dutchily' though? I am asking, as a Dutch person 😂😂 However, the fact that Sedaris describes the awful Dutch cursing makes me feel ashamed for 'my people'. People here often (though less (thank goodness) than they used to, due to a raised awareness) curse with cancer, which is just appalling!
And another space missing
With the movie trailer being everywhere, I'm going to pick this up next. Never read it before, so I'm really curious!
The fact that this book is from 1985 and yet feels so modern and to date amazes me. This is the second time I read it and I liked it better this time, maybe because of how the world works now, but also my understanding of how it works. It's so sharp and well executed, just amazing. I'm really excited about the sequel coming out in a few weeks! Good to have this fresh on my mind!
I FOUND IT 😂 Page 247 to keep my future self from having to search again 😅 I did a little online research and was able to find it again! Now I can enjoy my night in peace hahaha!
Confession time, reading this for the second time I apparently read over this typo (I only have the Historical Notes left, I doubt it'll be in there), but I happened to have posted it on Instagram when I found it back when I first read it (October 2017). Long live my being a nerd and getting excited to share typos! 😂🤓
I also bought these two beauties today. I've been trying to buy less books to limit myself to only owning book that really mean something to me, so I read these on my e-reader and fell in love with both, so I got them 😬
Ow yes, I'll be trying some new recipes soon!!
An unnecessary period. I also seem to remember this version has another typo further along in the book: cheeerfulness, with a third e. If I do come across it, I'll post it too.
With the long awaited sequel coming up real soon, I decided to reread this gorgeous book, so it'll be fresh in my memory before picking up The Testaments
My oh my, this was so eerie and beautiful. Consisting of three parts and very amazing formatting, something I've never seen before. Definitely worthy of the Booker longlist, claiming a very well deserved spot in my opinion. I hope it even makes the shortlist, my goodness it was so amazing. I'm not saying much more about it, because you have to experience it for yourself, I think it's best to go in without knowing too much. So dive in!
Another one of the Man Booker Longlist to dive into. I love being on holiday and having to do nothing except reading!
I LOVED THIS. It's hilarious and brutal and I adore every little thing about it!! I really hope this one at least gets on the shortlist for the Man Booker, it definitely deserves it in my opinion! Great writing, great pace and a gruesomely entertaining read!
Up next! I think I'll fly through this one, it has such short chapters!
When I started working at my local bookshop in March, this one was a big seller. Having won prizes and being around people constantly buying it and talking about it, I was expecting a lot more I think. It was a good book, a very modern love story in my opinion. I liked how Rooney gets into the charactera heads, showing how their mind works, but my goodness, learn to communicate you kids!! 😅 I did like it though, it was an amazing story
This. I liked this. A very quick read, it keeps you wanting to read one more chapter before putting it down, but realizing how short the next chapter is makes you read another one, and so on. I flew through this! It was alright, I really liked this hybrid concept, first book I ever read with hybrids! This was the perfect book to recover from A Little Life 😅
It took me a full month to read this book. Not because it was boring, or slow, or not to my liking. No, because of its intensity. I wanted to keep reading, to keep an eye on Jude, but sometimes, I just had to put it down and remember life can be good. I don't mean this in a negative way or to bash on this book, but it was INTENSE! Gorgeous, but intense! I loved it!!
When given a giftcard... 😅😬
Got myself one of the books that's on the Booker Longlist. I've heard about it on the Bookseller podcast before it was on the longlist and I've been wanting to read this ever since. Now all I have to do is finish some of my current reads haha!
We have a second hand section in de book shop I work and I couldn't not get this one for myself. I love this book!