Started this gem last night for Book Club! I‘m so happy to finally have a few minutes to dive in. I‘ve seen this all over social media and I‘m happy to finally check it off my TBR list!!
Have you read it?
Started this gem last night for Book Club! I‘m so happy to finally have a few minutes to dive in. I‘ve seen this all over social media and I‘m happy to finally check it off my TBR list!!
Have you read it?
Anyone else doing the Buzzword Readathon this week?? “Girl” in the title! Just started this gem!! Any suggestions for a book to read this week with “Girl” in the title??
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ it‘s worthy of so much more! This was so beautifully written by the end I was crying big ugly tears. Just as my heart broke open for Cyrus, I turned the page and he was right there mending it back together. Looks like Amanda saved us both in this one. His journey to Lasting Love is a timeless tale, one that will forever be etched on my heart. Forget Romeo and Juliet I want a Love like Cyrus & Amanda 💕
My book mail has been on point this week!! This gem came today and I‘m over the moon with excitement to not only read this book but the author totally commented on my IG!! I think it‘s so awesome when an author / a creator do something like that!! Total Fan Girl Moment!! #createalifeyoulove
Book Club is this Sunday and guess who is only 10% into the book ... this girl!!!
Have you read it? Did you enjoy it? Thoughts???
This gem came yesterday!! A big thanks to @StMartinsPress ... can‘t wait to dig into this Arc!! A story of the triumph over hardship.
Book Two for the #owlsreadathon2018 ... love James Patterson and this series!! 💕
Putting together a Book Journal/ Tracker to keep track of bookish things / notes on Book Club things / quotes / pure randomness
Read Along starts today!! Super Excited!!
Started this year with an Arc by Lauren Rowe ... Misadventures of a College Girl and it was 5 EPIC stars for sure. Tyler and Zooey are still on my heart!! Didn‘t quite finish my 8th book for the year last night so it looks like I‘m at 7.75 books read for 2018 ... slow go for my personal reads I know!!
Read #milkandhoney the other night. Forgot how much I love poetry. 💕
I‘ve picked up this book a few times and only gotten a few chapters in ... it‘s been on my TBR list forever ... Going to try listening to it today! 🎧💕
Have you read it?? Did you love it??
My daughter had her wisdom teeth taken out yesterday so in between caring for her ... I‘ve gotten in some time to listen to this book and started crocheting a baby blanket for my nephew‘s baby girl Delaney! 💜
I‘m a little behind in one of my favorite series ... using my Overdrive App to some awesome audiobooks 🎧 to get caught up.
Why have I never thought of Binge Reading (or listening I should say) to catch up or to listen to some of my favorite authors?!?
Book 5 #Bookopoly .... up Next: unlucky 13 by James Patterson .... Stumped on what to read over 500 pages ... truly 500+ is OUT of comfort zone ... most likely going to listen to it. Any suggestions for 500+ pages ??
A little crochet & listen! Two of my faves .... crocheting and reading (well listening lol) .... time to catch up on the Women‘s Murder Club Series by Patterson and finally finishing this project I started years ago ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💖
Finished Looking for Alaska by John Green earlier today. Loved the message! Had dinner with My Mr. Wilson and now home to start another Book by one of my favorite authors, Colleen Hoover.
Happy Saturday!! 📕🐲💕
Do you have a favorite drink you like to have when you‘re snuggled up with a good book? Me ... anything as long as it‘s in this cup lol
One of my absolute favorite gifts! I got up early this beautiful Saturday morning, I‘ve clean the house, did some laundry ... I‘ve earn a day full of reading! First on the list ... finish Looking for Alaska by John Green already! Happy Saturday!
Book Haul yesterday!! Looks like my weekend is ALL Booked Up!! #letsgetlit 💕
Some times you just need a little HP to get you out of a reading funk! Only 1.5 books read this year ... a SLOW start (won‘t mention how many I started 😝)
How do you get out of reading funk or over a book hangover??? #harrypotter #ravenclaw
Added 3 more to my collection this weekend 🎀 anyone else have to own them all before reading a series?? Please tell me I‘m not the only one 🤣
Picked up the 1st three at Ollie‘s. They were amazingly priced and I have always wanted to read these for as long as I can remember!! Time to get them off my TBR list! Have you read them?? Your thoughts??
My collection is almost complete ... missing book 3. I once had all 5 but I was overwhelmed with the size of these books so I gave them away ... with the final season not coming until 2019 ... I thought this should keep me busy until the final farewell! #got
Happy Mail from T.K. Leigh! I‘ll cherish this signed book and bookmark forever!!
Happy Reading Littens!! May your weekend be booked with all your faves!! 😘💕📚🐲
My first post ... welcome to Let‘s Get Litopoly aka Bookopoly!! This is a travel version I‘ve included in my Bujo ... who knew something sooo simply would get me reading at record speed! I can‘t wait to finish one book and start the next!! Thank you to everyone for such a warm and epic welcome!! A big thank you to @shanebeth for her creative book challenge for #MFM @JamieArc thank you for encouraging me to join Litsy! #ssdgm #ssdgmchallenge