This is definitely an enjoyable, breezy read with a substantial story. The story is completely engaging with good descriptions and characters.
This is definitely an enjoyable, breezy read with a substantial story. The story is completely engaging with good descriptions and characters.
I'm not on the beach 🙁, but these definitely qualify as #beachreads. #booksacrossoceans
Chillin at Folly Beach this week in a treehouse-styled cottage in the woods a block off the beach. Brought these two beauties with me. 🌊🌴🌊🌴🌊
Thinking about getting my first tattoo ever...little nervous but this is what I have in mind. Just curious if anyone has any ideas for a book lover inspired tattoo
I am reading this as my light reading to keep myself from sinking too deep on the darkness of Stephen Kings Full Dark No Stars and Winter People. Also rereading Pet Cemetery. Do you find yourself throwing in a lighter book for balance?