“Her face was a stranger‘s face, which was as it should be. Love each other from the day we are born to the day we die, we are still strangers every minute, and nobody should forget that, even though we have to.”
“Her face was a stranger‘s face, which was as it should be. Love each other from the day we are born to the day we die, we are still strangers every minute, and nobody should forget that, even though we have to.”
Everybody loves The Last Unicorn (with good reason) but Beagle‘s The Innkeeper‘s Song is its equal. Can not recommend this one enough.
#UnderratedBook #ReadingResolutions
“Her #face was a stranger‘s #face, which was as it should be. Love each other from the day we are born to the day we die, we are still strangers every minute, and nobody should forget that, even though we have to.”
One of my favorite quotes of all time ever.
Here all my all-time #favoriteleadingladies in all of fiction for #riotgrams
- Death and Delirium from Sandman
- Sharp-shooter Petra Arkanian, commander of Phoenix Army in the Ender saga
- Molly Grue from The Last Unicorn
- Lalkhamsin-khamsolal aka Swordcane Lal, Sailor Lal, Lal After Dark, Lal Alone, the most bad-ass storytelling warrior woman you will ever meet.
“... the bad dreams are the way I bleed.” - Lal
I found four #musicaltitles I a quick perusal of my shelves, and for once I've already read all of them! I couldn't find any with song lyrics for titles, which is a bit of a shame. #maybookflowers
A super eclectic mix for #thebacksofwomen The Innkeeper's Song is apparently my book challenge ace in the hole. I've used it for #lovetoreread and #mostbadassheroine and now this. Versatile.
I have not read the other two, but Palimpsest is apparently about a sexually transmitted city, so that's cool.
See the woman on the left? She's my #mostbadassheroine for #riotgrams Read this book and be amazed at how easily she saunters on to your list of all time greats. She is known by many names. Swordcane Lal. Sailor Lal. Lal After Dark. Lal Alone. She is Lalkhamsin-khamsolal and she is the coolest storytelling warrior woman you will ever meet.
"... the bad dreams are the way I bleed." - Lal
I underlined this thirteen years ago on a cold autumn evening sitting outside my dorm watching the sun go down over the mountains, keeping my roommate company while he smoked his tobacco pipe. It means just as much to me now and is just as true. #riotgrams #favoritequote
"... even though we have to."
I don't reread as much as I would like, but I revisited this one last summer and it won me all over again. If you like The Last Unicorn, fantasy in general, or want to read about one of the greatest female bad-asses in all of literature (on the left up there), you NEED to read this book. #17booklove @jess.how #lovetoreread