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Bloody Lessons: A Victorian San Francisco Mystery
Bloody Lessons: A Victorian San Francisco Mystery | M. Louisa Locke
2 posts | 3 read | 4 to read
In Bloody Lessons, it's the winter of 1880, and the teachers of San Francisco are under attack: their salaries slashed and their competency and morals questioned in a series of poison pen letters. Annie Fuller, the reluctant clairvoyant, has been called in to investigate by Nate Dawson, her lawyer beau, and the case becomes personal when they discover that Laura, Nate's sister, may be one of the teachers being targeted. In this installment of the Victorian San Francisco Mystery series, readers will find the same blend of a cozy mystery and romantic suspense, played out against the historical backdrop of late 19th century San Francisco, that they found in Maids of Misfortune and Uneasy Spirits. If you are new to this series, you will still enjoy spending time with the lively residents of Annie Fuller's boarding house and visiting San Francisco when Golden Gate Park was filled with horse-drawn carriages, politics were controlled by saloon-keepers, and kisses were stolen under gaslight.
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Another fun addition to this series. The plots were once again predictable, though only slightly so. I‘m more in it for the characters anyway, & I particularly loved the addition of new characters who can help with the sleuthing — like Laura, who is smart, fierce, & loves teaching. Her world was highly relatable for me. I adored re-acquainting myself with the world of curriculums, grading, funny student stories, staff/admin politics, & more! ★★★☆☆

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#currentlyreading | oh man this one is about teachers; get ready for lots of feelings. #teachersoflitsy

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