The Buddhists have a good piece of advice [...]: “Act always as if the future of the universe depended on what you did, while laughing at yourself for thinking that whatever you do makes any difference.“
The Buddhists have a good piece of advice [...]: “Act always as if the future of the universe depended on what you did, while laughing at yourself for thinking that whatever you do makes any difference.“
4/5⭐ A helpful read regarding the psychology of happiness in terms of how we choose to spend our time, though I would have liked more practical discussion. Seems to be a shorter, more layman's edition of the original Flow book. Slight tinge of privileged perspective and questionable generalizations on topics outside of psychology (e.g. religion). #bookspinbingo
In my quarantine mode, I randomly picked this out from my bookcase and can‘t stop reading it. It‘s so interesting!! I first read it years and years ago.
Even my favourite book, can‘t keep me away...from marvelling snow :) I struggle to read indoors when it snowed ....how about you?
Production, Maintenance, and Leisure, the three main functions of mankind.
Everything we do can be put in one of those 3 categories. Does it matter how much time we spend doing each?
Now I continue on to chapter 3... How does categorizing human behavior help me find flow?
I guess this is different from his popular book Flow?
Anyway, it's the next audiobook I got on loan, so I've got 18 days to finish.
Interesting. I need to read the original Flow and look more into Csikszentmihalyi. I love hearing research on human happiness and habits.
In rearranging my books, I have found so many I need to reread. Actually, I pretty much need to reread every single line of THIS book right now. It really is bursting with valuable life tips.