Another square in #spinbingo is done, bringing me to 3. (I forgot to log the last one) but I‘m glad I‘m getting through them #doublespinbingo
Another square in #spinbingo is done, bringing me to 3. (I forgot to log the last one) but I‘m glad I‘m getting through them #doublespinbingo
Thank you everyone!
Black Bird est un livre que j'adore. Je le conseil à tous le monde il est super, plein de suspense et de rebondissements.
On se retrouve dans la peau d'une jeune fille amnésique qui doit survivre et échapper à des personnes qui veulent nous tué.
Le livre est écrit en tutoiement mais ça ne m'a pas déranger.
I was so excited to read this when I first heard about on epic reads tea time. The premise was so interesting and intriguing. However when I actually read it, the story was a let down. The pacing was weird and the main character was making the most horrible decisions for someone who was in her situation. She annoyed me so bad.