Such a fun YA read which actually makes you ponder how much life has changed in 30 years.
Such a fun YA read which actually makes you ponder how much life has changed in 30 years.
Having so much fun with this one, thus far. Now I want to see the film Valley Girl. Lol A HS student time travels from 1986 to 2016. I‘m such a sucker for 80s references, but her reaction to all the new technology really got me thinking bc I‘ve lived through all of it.
After an unfortunate incident involving Fun Dip, Zoe finds herself 30 years in the future, with a completely different life.
The book moved pretty slowly, and I was ALMOST disappointed with the end. However, I think it brought up a lot of good points about high school and maybe life in general. Overall it was a quirky, amusing book. Definitely worth a quick read.