This #kidlit just... was not for me. To be fair, time travel stories are not my thing. I should have bailed on it halfway through, but one of the podcasts I like has an episode on it that I was waiting to listen to.
Anyway, if there‘s anyone feeling nostalgic for this circa-1987 hardcover, let me know and I‘ll mail it to you. It‘s an ex-library copy in good condition that I managed to remove all the stickers on— just a due date pocket remaining.
"Fantasy doesn‘t care how old you are. Imagination pays no attention to all those walls we put up between the different stages of life; it just breezes right through them." - U. K. Le Guin
House-sitting, cute pets to cuddle, and my new DWJ book has an intro by Le Guin. A wonderful end to my day! Hope yours is as good, Littens!
#tbt I read this book so many times as a child, but strangely enough the only thing I can remember about it is the delicious-sounding ice cream. Also, I'm just now realizing how I've read probably the most obscure thing in this author's oeuvre.