Book 2 continues the saga and boy, is it good.
This book was neither good nor bad. It didn‘t blow me away but it also didn‘t make me want to jump up and throw it in the garbage. Once again it felt filled with tropes that are over used and didn‘t necessarily add anything substantial to the story.
Took me a bit to get back into this series. I really enjoy the different take on the Salem witches and multiple universes. The author has created quite a unique series with many different creative worlds and concepts. I really did get suckered right back into this story after one hundred pages. I am definitely not sure where this is going and am going to have to grab the third one on my next big book shop!
"Weißt du, was Liebe ist, Lily? Wahre Liebe? Ich bin mir nicht mehr sicher, Liebe ist, zum Bösewicht zu werden, damit der, den du liebst, weiterhin der Held sein kann..."
" Sie liefen durch den Tunnel, bis sie auf den ersten Bewohner stießen, der neben einer Feuertonne stand. "
Kapitel 10
I love the uk covers for this series! I'm 200 pages in and reading very slowly unfortunately. I think I'm hitting a book slump but going to try and power through! #firewalker #josephineangelini
My little guy swims while I plow through the second in this series! ❤️
Amazing sequel to the first book Trial by Fire. Once again the idea of Witches and other worlds and betrayals and heart break and the Woven... is a recipe for a great story. I love the characters so much! I'm very much looking forward to the third book later this year! 📖
Listening to Firewalker in audiobook format on my lunch break! Loving this sequel to Trial by Fire. The narration is great. The story of parallel universes is always intriguing especially when you add witches and magic and monsters to it :)💥
I'm reading this despite not thinking the first book was great, and I'm sticking to this one now even though I like it less. I guess it's a bit of a guilty pleasure. I don't really like Lily and I don't remember liking her too much in the first book either, but it's entrancing me anyhow.
Josephine Angelini did another amazing job in YA fiction. Loved every moment of this Second installment. Can't wait for the next one.
Loving the sequel to Trial by Fire. It's sucking me in and I can't get free!