I was an ARC reviewer of this, back in 2018.
This is my SPOILERY review: https://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2018/04/review-saviors-champion-spoilery.ht...
I was an ARC reviewer of this, back in 2018.
This is my SPOILERY review: https://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2018/04/review-saviors-champion-spoilery.ht...
“I haven‘t a way with words or poetry, but perhaps I can tell you, simply, how it is you make me feel. Seen and understood. Like I am whole and empty all at once. Whole because you see me, and empty because...how could I possibly be enough for you? ... You are far more than a taste that I‘ve acquired.”
UGH!! All while during a fight to the death tournament to win the hand of a different girl👀
Easy to say I‘m QUITE OBSESSED
Just getting started on this one and so far so good for my vacation week! 📚
"If nothing else, Let me be your refuge" one of my favorite quotes from the #thesaviorschampion by jenna moreci!
To save his family, Tobias enters a Bachelorette-esque competition, with a deadly twist. Visceral violence, steamy romance, and hidden agendas! Try not to get too attached to anyone, everyone is fair game. I‘m not sure if I can survive the wait until the next book! No one is safe!
I‘m 1/3 of the way through TSC and it is sooo good. I‘ve been in a reading slump lately, but this book is definitely pulling me out of it! There‘s so much action, and I‘m in a constant state of needing to know what‘s going to happen next.
“Today you‘ll face an option: either be good and die, or be dark and live. You‘re a good man, but you will choose the darkness.”
Ahhh! One more day until release day! I‘m so stinking excited! *Does happy dance* 💃 💃💃 📚💕
I‘m so excited for the release of this book! One more week! Meanwhile, Jenna Moreci is having a pre-sale giveaway for The Savior‘s Champion! Several to be specific. Yay! Free stuff! Also, anyone who enters gets the first five chapters early, to tide them over until release day!
Buy links in comments. Enter here after you pre-order: https://goo.gl/forms/sJt1RRP4MyIoafNG3