I first read this over 20 years ago when I was an avid X-phile. It terrified me. I'm much more sceptical these days so I'm intrigued how I'd respond to it now. At the time I recommended it to everyone I knew! I think if you approach it with a large pinch of salt it reads like a fiction - fascinating and almost credible. I don't know ... I guess it could be true 🤔
Weaponxgirl I'm a huge sceptic but I always love these types of books. One (I can't remember the title) has a woman who is obsessed with werewolf type creatures which was funny. A huge amount of confirmation bias was going on. 7y
readingjedi @Weaponxgirl Sounds like Linda Godfrey. I was deeply into the paranormal in my late teens/early 20s! 7y
Weaponxgirl @readingjedi it was! I still love that stuff but you often have to stop yourself and go, no this isn't unbiased. I take it you listen to the lore podcast? Where I get my fix now 7y
readingjedi @Weaponxgirl I reached 'peak alien' and moved away from the topic. I didn't even watch the X-Files reboot! 7y