Five months later I‘m using this book for the #bright post. 😆
It came up as one of my #roll100 selections this month, so maybe I‘ll actually read it once my hold comes through at the library.
Five months later I‘m using this book for the #bright post. 😆
It came up as one of my #roll100 selections this month, so maybe I‘ll actually read it once my hold comes through at the library.
There‘s nothing on my shelves that #beginswith #forever but this has been on my TBR list…well, for a long time. 😉
A sad story about the aftermath of a terrible crime in what could otherwise be an idyllic small town. Martin brings summer in a small Midwestern town to life and handles his characters with sensitivity even though many, maybe most, of them are unlikeable.
“Ask anyone who was living in the middle of it all and they‘ll tell you: it didn‘t have anything to do with good and evil; it was all about love.”
Very good story. Easy to read and addicting. Based on truth. 5/5 stars. ⭐️
“All right, now,” Junior said. “Here‘s what I want. I want to know what you‘ve done with my daughter.”
Raymond R. was trying to get his breath. “I swear, mister. It‘s like I‘ve done told you. I don‘t know.”
Junior held the Colt to the soft flesh under Raymond R.‘s chin. He drew back the hammer. “You better know,” he said.
“But the night will soon be o‘er;
In the bright, the bright forever,
We shall wake, to weep no more
“Eenie, Meenie, Disaleenie
Ooh, aah, Gotchaleenie
Hotchy Totchy
I love you!”
Joke from page 78: A snail comes into a bar. The bartender takes one look at him and gives him a swift kick out the door. A year later, the snail comes back into the bar. “OK, wise guy,” he says to the bartender. “What was that all about?“
“He‘s one of them, that Henry Dees. He‘s a kid fruit. He‘s got short eyes.” “He‘s a puppy lover, Clare. An Uncle. A chicken hawk. Do I have to say it plain? He gets his jollies from being with those kids. He‘s a pervert.”
-Raymond R. Wright
“The measure of a man‘s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.”
-Junior Mackey
Starting this next! This author grew up in two tiny towns over from me. This is loosely based upon the actual murder of a young girl. Very interested to see what it‘s going to be like.