I really liked this story about Jewish Germans who left during WWII and found a new home in Turkey. The story spans several generations and highlights the political climate and turmoil of Turkey until present time. I highly recommend it.
This book wasn‘t what I thought it was going to be. It is about WW2 but it goes generations beyond that. It was good however I don‘t like the ending. You never find out what happens to Tarik
I really liked this story about Jewish Germans who left during WWII and found a new home in Turkey. The story spans several generations and highlights the political climate and turmoil of Turkey until present time. I highly recommend it.
I hate not liking a semi-autobiography, but this book was so-so. It‘s about the author‘s ancestors who fled Germany for Turkey in ww2. I learned a lot, but it was plodding. The author had a list of dates/events; filling them in with narrative. It felt like “and then this happened...” “some years later...” “and then this happened.” In contrast, my next book is based on an author‘s ancestors in ww2. Only a few pages in it reads much more smoothly
My Kindle first pick for June: As Hitler‘s reign of terror begins to loom large over Germany, Gerhard and Elsa Schliemann—like other German Jews—must flee with their children in search of sanctuary. They discover an unexpected haven in Turkey.
Despite embracing their adopted land, personal and political troubles persist: military coups and intermarriage challenges the cultural identity of Gerhard and Elsa‘s descendants.
My June Kindle First pick is Without a Country. First reads is starting to get like BOTM and going thriller heavy. I‘ll be glad when thrillers aren‘t quite so hot. I like them but l like other types of books too.