Quite good! This was Courtney Milan‘s first book and it doesn‘t disappoint. Maybe a smidge predictable but I loved Jenny and was thrilled she got her happy ending! I don‘t think I‘m spoiling anything, gotta have that happy ending!
Quite good! This was Courtney Milan‘s first book and it doesn‘t disappoint. Maybe a smidge predictable but I loved Jenny and was thrilled she got her happy ending! I don‘t think I‘m spoiling anything, gotta have that happy ending!
This book was okay. I think it was Courtney Milan‘s debut novel, which you can kind of tell. I liked how Jenny was strong and independent and didn‘t want to rely on Gareth. I didn‘t really care for Ned. I know he was dealing with depression, but the way he relied on Lady Esmeralda was a bit ridiculous.
This will probably be last Romance for a while. I‘ll have to start using my book lamp again and read my actual books.
My LCS didn't have JUPITER'S LEGACY VOL 2 in either trade or issues, but I found some other good stuff: Courtney Milan's debut for me, WARCHILD for a friend, ROGUE & GAMBIT #1, and STRANGERS IN PARADISE left over from Free Comic Book Day.