Loved every action packed minute of this book. Many unexpected twists and turns. I highly recommend it!
Loved every action packed minute of this book. Many unexpected twists and turns. I highly recommend it!
#thistitleequalsgreatbandname #marchintoreading
Sins and Needles would make a fantastic band name! It is also a fantastic book. It's edgy and fast paced and I couldn't put it down. The next two books in the trilogy would also make great band names: "Shooting Scars" and "Bold Tricks!"
My #guiltylove for #17booklove is #romancy and fun Kindle cheap books like the Josie Brown ones. A little Dark Hunter here and there makes me well rounded 😉
🌟I just started reading #sinsandneedles by #karinahalle and I'm also reading Everything You Want Me To Be by Mindy Mejia. Also, I'm so thrilled because I finally have a #kindle to read #ebooks on!! Woot! No more reading ebooks on my iPad!🌟 #romance