I have been having a really bad week, but today we had our last Nobelistas Bookclub meeting. We read a book by each of the 14 female winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature. We also made cool t-shirts the celebrate 🎉
I have been having a really bad week, but today we had our last Nobelistas Bookclub meeting. We read a book by each of the 14 female winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature. We also made cool t-shirts the celebrate 🎉
Empecé el ultimo libro de #Nobelistas esta mañana en el salón. Voy de regreso a casa con deseos de lluvia para terminarme la novela con una taza de té #litsyinSpanish. I started the last books for #Nobelistas book club today at the hair salon. I am gonna n my way home praying for some rain so I can finish this story with a nice cup of tea.