I think this is a case of "it's not you, its me". I used to love military sci-fi, but now I find them jargon heavy and formulaic, with to many stereotypes.
I think this is a case of "it's not you, its me". I used to love military sci-fi, but now I find them jargon heavy and formulaic, with to many stereotypes.
"Places were shuttered and boarded, screened by chain link and mesh sheeting, painted with pollution, stained by sun light and finished off with the fine detail graffiti scrawled by the bored, the indolent, the dispossessed, the township youth, the out-of-a- job migrants, the contact-less miners"
The shuttered and boarded part sounds right...
The digital brooch at the throat of his regulation unitard read Fanciman, Major Gene Gillard, S.O.M.D., but from the handshake and greeting it was clear that the major affected a more mannered pronunciation of his surname, something along the lines of Funsmun.
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