Everything I‘ve ever read by bell hooks has changed my beliefs. This one is no different.
Everything I‘ve ever read by bell hooks has changed my beliefs. This one is no different.
Some of the seminary books that are taking up all my time right now - what an exciting stack! 😍
I haven't read nearly enough bell hooks since grad school. This was a practical read for me that ended up also feeling transformative. ❤️
This quote exemplifies why:
“There are times when personal experience keeps us from reaching the mountain top and so we let it go because the weight of it is too heavy. And sometimes the mountain top is difficult to reach with all our resources, factual and confessional, ⬇️
Another book I wish I had read in my undergrad. So many interesting thoughts on teaching pedagogy that I feel deeply, especially the transformative pedagogy, but she did lose me a little at the end.
5 hours into #24b4monday and this is right up with Pedagogy of the Oppressed as one of the most powerful important books of education theory I‘ve read. What a clear, personal, insightful, unpretentious writing style with what important ideas!
The one drawback is that it always pains me to hear important books like this dismiss bisexuality from discussions of queerness in activism, but a small part of a 5* perfect book.
Just a little #teacherdesk #shelfie for today. I have learned so much about finding balance and letting go so that other things can come together today. I decided to display some books so that my students can have their interest piqued and I‘ve been pimping out some books to some, all in all, it‘s been a good day 🤓☕️✌🏽📚#teacherlife #bellhooks
#FeistyFeb Day 15 - Candy Colored
#Riotgrams Day 15 - Book & Snack
Not only are these books lifesavers for those who might read them, but they are the color of lifesavers too!