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Joined August 2016

She/her. Theology+classical studies+leftist theory+disability rights nerd
The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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BethM Love this! 3w
Soubhiville What a fun puzzle! 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it 🧩 ❤️ 3w
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The Poppy War | R.F. Kuang
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One print book, one audiobook (#AuthorAMonth #AAM), and one ebook (#CampNetGalley #NetGalley #ARC)! I think I'm officially back to reading, after six months of barely reading at all. 😊📚

#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain

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This devotional interweaves the author's personal experience with lung disease, Bible passages, prayers, and reflection questions. As a leftist Christian minister with chronic illness and disability, I didn't find this book particularly helpful or ground-breaking, but I absolutely believe it would be really helpful for conservative Christians struggling with their experiences of chronic illness and disability, especially...

Caterina ...as a balm amidst ableist theology. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy in exchange for my honest review. #CampNetGalley #NetGalley #ARC 3w
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Yellowface | R F Kuang
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This is a GREAT beach read, fast-paced and easy to read. I hated the entitled, self-centered unreliable narrator and enjoyed rooting for her downfall. The critiques of the racist, toxic publishing industry and online book world (Twitter, etc.) added something deeper to the book, although part of me wishes the book were far more complex - maybe with multiple versions of the narrative like Hernan Diaz's Trust. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #AuthorAMonth #AAM @Soubhiville

Until August | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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"Judging the book to be much better than we remembered it, another possibility occurred to us: that the fading faculties that kept him from finishing the book also kept him from realizing how good it was. In an act of betrayal, we decided to put his readers' pleasure ahead of all other considerations. If they are delighted, it's possible Gabo might forgive us. In that we trust."

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Switched to audio for this one; it's a little dense for audiobook format, but I wanted to finish reading it and just didn't have capacity for sitting and reading the print book right now. Thankful for the accessibility that audiobooks provide!


Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice | Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
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#audiopuzzling with this 2018 disability justice classic ❤️ #disability

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After almost six months of visiting Middlemarch, how strange that it‘s over. There were many parts of this #tome that I didn‘t love, but I did love Dorothea, and also the final sentence of the book, and I‘m still thinking about all of it. I understand why it‘s considered one of the greatest English novels, and I also feel like this didn‘t quite hit five stars for me personally, although I am so glad I read it.

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Another Middlemarch-accompanied puzzle! #audiopuzzling

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#20in4 #Readathon @Andrew65

I finished my puzzle and reached the 75% mark in Middlemarch, so I'm happy with my weekend of reading!


Texreader Beautiful!! I have the same brand of puzzle with 🐝 2mo
Caterina @Texreader Ooo I'm going to have to try to find that one! I loved the quality of this puzzle, and I love bees 😍 1mo
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#20in4 #Readathon I've been getting some good reading in this weekend, amidst work and social commitments! A little bit of time with Cross-Stitch, and tons of lovely time listening to Middlemarch while starting a new puzzle. 🥰🧩

Cross-Stitch | Jazmina Barrera
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Today I started the book I spontaneously checked out from the library yesterday while out doing a "Berkeley Walks" date downtown with my husband! I love the Berkeley Public Library. ? And so far I'm enjoying this book, which I picked up simply because it was in the "New" section and is titled after one of my favorite hobbies. ? #libraryhaul

Scochrane26 I like to cross stitch, too. 2mo
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Radical Intimacy | SOPHIE K. ROSA
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I've hardly read this year, but I'm getting a little bit in on a visit to my family in the forest! The cicadas and birds are singing and the dog is napping and I can feel my brain slowing down. 🌳🐦😌🐕🌲

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 enjoy 💚 2mo
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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I loved my second book of 2024, and I'm still thinking about it! The main character has such a distinct and compelling voice, and the setting comes alive as a character in its own right. It was fantastic on audio! I read David Copperfield in 2023, and I'm glad I did, because I absolutely loved how Kingsolver engaged with it and added depth and nuance to it while bringing it into a modern context. A tough read, but not without tenderness and hope.

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#NetGalley #ARC Pastors Cowles and Roberts work primarily with folks who have experienced or are experiencing homelessness and/or addiction. I found their theology very concerning: (subtly) anti-LGBTQ+; too individualistic (focusing on individual choices to the exclusion of systemic analysis); suggesting folks experiencing domestic violence can/should "save" their abusive spouses; constantly calling those they serve "broken people"; etc. 1/5 stars

Caterina So annoyed that this was my first book of the new year. 🤮 6mo
Suet624 Things can only go up. Hopefully your next book is 🔥 6mo
Jas16 I hope that your next read is a million times better. 6mo
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Kimzey Yuck, sounds dreadful. But, after starting off with a dud, your reading year can only get better! 🥳 6mo
Caterina @Suet624 @Jas16 @Kimzey Y'all manifested it for me 😂 My second read was fantastic! 😊🤩 4mo
Suet624 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💕💕💕 4mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I think I might finally get a #bingo this month🤞Somehow every month I'm one book away from a bingo, and even this month I've finished 10 books and am still one book away from bingo multiple times! 😂 I noticed I finished books on the first two even days of the month and decided to see if I could keep up that streak, and it's been great motivation to finally finish lots of in-progress books! #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Looking fabulous!!! 11mo
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400 out of 119,700 stitches 🪡
38 out of 90 colors 🎨
10.5 hours of work out of -
who knows how many total hours/years it will be 😂

Really good audiobook accompaniment! (Tagged)

#audiocrossstitch #audiostitching #crossstitch #strawberrythief #audiobook

Suet624 Holy Toledo! Best wishes to you. 12mo
booklover3258 I used to park like this as well but it got on my nerves after a while. Good luck!
Dilara That is very impressive! 12mo
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Will probably rate this book 2/5 stars when I finish it, but it was a fine companion for a beautiful walk! I'm hoping to do more audiobook walks now that my health allows it again, and I think this was a really lovely start. 😊 #audiowalk #hoopla

Velvetfur That's a gorgeous view, did you take that photo? 😊 12mo
Daisey I‘ll be curious to see this review. I‘ve seen this book a few times but never actually picked it up. 12mo
Caterina @Velvetfur Yes! It's one of my favorite places to walk, with a gorgeous view of the San Francisco skyline. 😊 12mo
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Caterina @Daisey I can tag you when I post my review if you like! I'm definitely on the lookout for a good book on Tolkien & theology. I'm going to check this one out when it comes out next month: 12mo
Daisey Thanks, I would appreciate a tag. The new one sounds more interesting to me. I‘ll have to add it to my list as well. 12mo
Velvetfur @Caterina oh it's SF! Well done, it's fab 😁 12mo
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"At what point do we escalate? When do we conclude that the time has come to also try something different? When do we start physically attacking the things that consume our planet and destroy them with our own hands? Is there a good reason we have waited this long?"

AllDebooks That flask tho 😍 12mo
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The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
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Audiobook + bobbin winding for my newish cross-stitch project! This short audio is the perfect supplement to a print reading (I read the edition that includes The Battle of Maldon and is edited by Peter Grybauskas). What a rare treat to hear Tolkien's work narrated and dramatized by himself! Even using his study furniture to add sound effects. Christopher Tolkien's narration for the essays is also a delight. #Tolkien #Audiobook

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David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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Ending my #Readathon with audiobook + crochet in bed! I'll post a wrap-up tomorrow + can't wait to see other folks'. It was a great readathon, I read over 9 hours and had a lovely day! 🥰 #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

DeweysReadathon Nine hours is a great total! 1y
dariazeoli Lovely color! 1y
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Spy x Family, Vol. 3 | Tatsuya Endo
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Another book finished! I love that this volume had a story that we didn't get in the anime 😍 #hour18 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

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Finished my second book of the day with a bubble bar from Lush (courtesy of my husband - the theme of today is that he spoils me 🥰) #hour17 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Promises of Gold | Jose Olivarez
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After a little nap and dinner with my husband, I'm back at it, reading one of my Independent Bookstore Day purchases! #Hour15 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Por Siempre | Jose Olivarez, Antonio Salazar
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Halfway through the readathon, here's how it's going! I've almost hit 7 hours of reading, plus I've finished 1 fantastic book, plus hit bingo on my board! 🎉
#hour12 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

David Copperfield | Charles Dickens
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#AudioWalk by the Bay! 🌁 I continue to adore Miss Trotwood and Mr. Dick.
#hour11 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Suet624 Gorgeous! 1y
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March | Geraldine Brooks
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Took a reading break to visit 2 bookstores for Independent Bookstore Day with my husband! He spoiled me with three books. 😁 I started the tagged with lunch + coffee but mostly chatted about books with my husband. 🥰 #hour10 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon #IBD #IndependentBookstoreDay The husband: @CounterfeitNickel

DeweysReadathon An all around excellent use of your break! 1y
kspenmoll He‘s a keeper! 1y
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Por Siempre | Jose Olivarez, Antonio Salazar
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Wow ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ this one stole the show so far!
#hour7 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

CounterfeitNickel So many books 📚 😎 1y
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Por Siempre | Jose Olivarez, Antonio Salazar
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"the poem is sorry for ever glamorizing the struggle. enough of work. enough of struggle. the poem refuses to be a good worker. the poem vows to never
be productive. huevón y flojo y qué? the only work the poem is interested in is working on a tan.
the only struggle the poem will glamorize is the struggle of cracking open a coconut without spilling any milk."

#hour7 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

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#Audiobook and cross stitch for hour 5 and probably some of hour 6 of the readathon! #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Dracula | Bram Stoker
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In hour 4 of the readathon, I continued reading Dracula. The stakes are high and it's hard to put it down, but I'm going to take a little break to listen to an audiobook soon! #hour4 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

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Time for a short story break from Dracula! #hour3 #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Dracula | Bram Stoker
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Hour 2 of the readathon - checking off "book + tea" on my personal bingo card for the day! I'm enjoying the part of this book where the group's all teamed up and ready to take on Dracula, let's gooo ? #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

kspenmoll Do I spy a scone?❤️ 1y
Caterina @kspenmoll Yes, my husband stocked me up well on readathon snacks! 😍😋 1y
CounterfeitNickel Looks yummy 😎🫖 1y
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Dracula | Bram Stoker
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Who else is joining in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon today? I'm joining from the SF Bay Area in California, U.S. and starting the readathon with Dracula, which I've been chipping away at since October. I'm most excited for reading Babel and eating blueberry scones 😋 and hopefully finishing up some of the many books I'm currently reading! #openingsurvey #readathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon

Jenken1998 I am in. I started early b/c I do have some work this morning.. but audiobooks will see me through that! Happy readathon!
Caterina @Jenken1998 Happy reading! I'm glad you'll be able to squeeze in more reading with audiobooks. 😊 1y
Soubhiville Have a great readathon! 1y
Caterina @Soubhiville Thank you! Enjoy indie bookstore day! I'm looking forward to a readathon break later to participate as well 😊 1y
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Birthday reading in my new favorite socks 🥰 I love Talia Hibbert and am excited to dive into her first YA! Thankful for skip-the-line loans being introduced on Libby 🍀 #bookandsocks #BlackHistoryMonth #ownvoices

Soubhiville Happy Birthday!🎉🎈🎂 1y
brittanyreads I just started this one, too! Loving it so far. Her writing is so wonderful! The bickering between The MCs has me giggling. HBD! 1y
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I wanted to love this book, but I had to bail on it. Proulx echoes many ecofascist talking points in these 2 pages (and in other pages I read before DNFing). E.g. suggesting that overpopulation (particularly in Asia) is to blame for pandemics like COVID-19, insinuating that humans are the virus, etc. On ecofascism:

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Before the Coffee Gets Cold | Toshikazu Kawaguchi
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Photo taken in a naive moment, not long before this book had me sobbing 😭

Caterina "Husband and Wife" really got me. ? My Grammy with Alzheimer's and dementia died last summer, with my Granddaddy (retired doctor) as her caregiver - so many parallels there. Also last summer, I got married to my love. Felt all the feels with that story. ?? 2y
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The White Mosque | Sofia Samatar
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Cozy way to recover from being soaked through with cold rain in the city today while doing ministry! 💕
#bathandbook #bookspinbingo

Velvet Was the Night | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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I was so close to bailing on this pulp fiction/noir novel, but I'm kinda glad I didn't. I found Maite dull, and Elvis slightly less dull, but what really held my attention was learning more about 1970s Mexico - the Hawks, student protests, corruption; the Mexican Dirty War. The atmosphere of the book is powerful. ⭐⭐⭐/5 from me! November #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville #AudioCommute

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Let's go! So excited for this bingo card. And my #BookSpin (tagged) is my #AuthorAMonth pick, which I didn't even realize was the December author until after my brother-in-law loaned me his copy last week! Really excited to read that one. 😊 #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks #AAM @Soubhiville

Soubhiville How perfect! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Velvet Was the Night | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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Today's #BARTandbook - I didn't finish it in time for #AuthorAMonth, but I'll finish it in a few more #AudioCommute sessions! I'm not loving it, and if I were reading it in print I might've DNF'd, but it makes for fun commute listening. #Audiobook #BookSpinBingo

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I have been reading less and reading off-list in November. For December I'm hoping to read more and finish more books, so this list is entirely books I've started! Now to look for more reading challenges that'll help me stick to this list and finish up some books 👀
#BookSpinBingo #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks #NaturaLitsy #AuthorAMonth

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
AllDebooks You have some amazing choices, good luck 🙂 2y
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Bell's Books | Palo Alto, CA (Bookstore)
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Charming old bookstore, full of fun finds 🥰

@ImperfectCJ for the memories 😊

Of Love and Other Demons | Gabriel Garcia Marquez
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Coffee shop reading with my love 🥰☕ My mom-in-law bought me this cool edition from Bell's Books the day before Thanksgiving! I love that my husband's family is just as into books as my family. ❤️📚 I'm totally off-list with my reading right now, but I'm having fun! #coffeeandbook #currentlyreading

ImperfectCJ Bell's Books! I haven't been there in ages but used to love browsing when we lived in the area in the early aughts. I purchased many gifts from there back in the day. 2y
Caterina @ImperfectCJ It's such a charming bookstore! And so many unexpected gems to be found while browsing. 😊 I can't wait to visit it again next time I'm with my in-laws! 😍 2y
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The Beautiful Ones | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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I spent the day organizing, tidying, cleaning, and doing some of the last bit of unpacking, and I got some good listening in with The Beautiful Ones. I'm enjoying it! #AuthorAMonth In the evening I cherished curling up with Anna Karenina, for my third read of it. 😊 #Tomevember #BookSpinBingo #DoubleSpin

The Beautiful Ones | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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#WeeklyForecast of books I hope to make progress on this week. 3 Kindle, 5 Print, and 1 Audio. A few for #NonfictionNovember and a few for #Tomevember. I'll listen to the tagged one for #AuthorAMonth while working around the apartment today! 🧹 #BookSpinBingo

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Here's my simple #BookSpinBingo list for November, which I didn't manage to post yesterday due to my health. A nonfiction book that I own is my #BookSpin, and Anna Karenina is my #DoubleSpin! I'm excited for the new month of reading, where I'll be doing some #NonfictionNovember reading. I'll also be doing what I've decided to call #Tomevember - reading some tomes in November! 😊 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Enjoy!! And I love the idea of Tomevember!!! 2y
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Yesterday 20 hours was looking more like 2 minutes for the #20in4 #Readathon - I'm sleep restricting right now for a six week CBT-I program (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Insomnia) and that's making it hard to concentrate well enough to read. I'm back from work today and ready to get some more reading in though! 😊 @Andrew65 #Scarathlon #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash @StayCurious

hannah-leeloo Do you find CBT works for you? 2y
AllDebooks CBT helped me enormously, I hope you reap the benefits as did this book 2y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Aiming for as close to 20 hours as I can get in these 4 days, and I'm going to focus on these 9 books! I'm hoping to finish as many as I can, both for #Scarathlon and so I can dive into what I'm calling Tome-vember come Tuesday (I want to focus on tomes in November). 😊 #20in4 #Readathon @Andrew65 #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash @StayCurious #BookSpinBingo #Pointsathon #AuthorAMonth #BooklyReadathon

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 2y
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The House of the Vampire | George Sylvester Viereck
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I somewhat enjoyed this tale of a vampire who feeds on artistic inspiration and thoughts rather than blood. Some fun melodramatic, gothic, and bisexual vibes, but unfortunately also some racism and sexism. Published in 1907, and if I'd read the author's wiki before reading the book, I wouldn't have read it, since Viereck later became a Nazi propagandist. 🤮

#Scarathlon #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash @StayCurious #SerialReader @SerialReader

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