Reminded me a lot of Buffy the vampire slayer. Still a good read though.
Reminded me a lot of Buffy the vampire slayer. Still a good read though.
Today‘s #24b4monday plans:
Finish this one. There‘s only 100 pages left.
#beatthebacklist #beatthebacklist2019
I‘m at the halfway point here and my partner and I are about 90% through Guilty Pleasures. Feeling pretty confident that both books can be completed this weekend. Especially with it being a #24b4monday weekend
What better way to spend a day off.
A reread for me. I remember really loving this series.
This started off fun, then just... lost me. It wasn't bad, but I never felt a pull to pick it back up after I'd put it down so I'm invoking the Life's Short clause.
I know lots of people who love this series (including the person I won it from in a blog giveaway seven years ago), so maybe you'll click with it where I couldn't. It IS pretty cute in places, despite the Dark! And! Dangerous! And! Sexy! cover.
Colleen Gleason does give good chapter title.
I read a bit more while I ate a Reese's Pieces doughnut at Tim Horton's. I usually find their doughnuts promise more than they can deliver, but this one was great! They never seem to put more than a tablespoon of creme in their filled varieties, though, and that ain't nearly enough. Dammit, Tim Horton's, stop being so frickin stingy!
It's borderline warm today (6 right now!), so I took a looooooong walk on which I stopped at McDonald's to try a caramel chocolate latte & read a bit more of THE REST FALLS AWAY.
The book's fun while I'm reading it, but I don't feel much of a pull towards it when I'm not. If something came up and I had to take a day's break from it, I'd probably bail on it by default. One of THOSE, y'know?
1. So far my 2018 reading list is 76% women. That doesn't include my X-Men list, which I keep separate for longwinded reasons, but even given the franchise's dismal female creators tally I still read so many other books by women they come out ahead overall.
2. 14.
3. Fuchsia
4. I seem to have a fair amount of yellow and/or black, with a goodly quantity of green thrown in.
5. Nora Roberts. I'll get to her someday.
6. Cause.
A 19th century Buffy story? Yes please, sounds right up my alley!
The idea is fantastic, the execution so-so for me. Gleason uses some tropes that are normally a complete turn-off (like love triangles), and some of the characters felt rather underdeveloped, but I am assured by reputable sources 😜 that the series improves as it goes along. So I'll probably read the next one.
It‘s not often I‘m left wondering how I felt about a book when I‘m done. I give this one a pass when it‘s more like between “pick” and “so-so”. I didn‘t pick it to read (book club). It‘s a “Buffy” style vampire-killer series (there are 5) with Victoria as the young Regency-age heroine. There are no less than 3 (non-vampires) in love with her. 🙄 I‘ve seen this trope done better, but I plan to give the next one a chance as it‘s rated higher. 3/5⭐️
Reading this one for a FB book club. I‘m about 10% in and still not sure how I‘m feeling about it...🤔🤔
Not quite what i imagined however it was still a good read and i have heard that the books get better and better throughout the series.