“What you link pain to and what you link pleasure to, decides your destiny.”
“What you link pain to and what you link pleasure to, decides your destiny.”
There's not a lot new here, but most of it is good to remind yourself of. It made my guffaw (yes, guffaw) that Robbins has quotes at the beginning of each section, and in addition to quoting things like, oh, the Bible, or people like, say, the Buddha, he quotes himself. I unironically love that. It reminds me of that Danielle Steel author photo where she is standing in front of a LIFE-SIZE portrait of herself. I ain't even mad. That's amazing.
1. Bacon
2. Tony Robbins because his books are really long and I wouldn‘t have to repeat anything. :)
3. I would say Jessica Rabbit - but she‘s nearly too much so ... I am gonna go with Betty Boop.
4. I am both and like a good nap in between!
5 I will certainly look to see - it‘s hard finding new to me these days!
Happy Friday!
#manicmonday #letterA
📚 Awaken the Giant Within
🖋 Victoria Aveyard
🎥 Avatar
🍎 Apple Crunch
Caught up finally - today‘s letter was G if you are new to this series - I just had to catch up today! All ready for next week now!
A bit long, I don't love every bit. But I learned some powerful concepts for change and leading a fulfilling life from this book. It is worth a read, even if it takes a while. He presents the concept of creating emotional leverage to make change, it has served me countless times now.