This book would be good for an art class or a science class. In art, students could create their own drawings of objects and their reflections of shadows. In science, this could start an investigation into how light works, or why shadows appear.
Shadow by Suzy Lee is a very interesting book about a girl who is playing with shadows in what looks like a garage or basement. The book is a horizontal book that opens from the bottom, this is important because the illustrator makes the top page the light in the room and the bottom page the shadows. The use of light and dark adds value to the simple illustrations.
Though the book does not have any words, this powerful illustration captures the essence of diving deeper into the little girl's imagination as she discovers the power of shadows.
Shadow does a fantastic job in displaying the simple elements of art by using the colors of black, white, and yellow. Through this simplistic yet powerful illustrations it takes you on a journey of a little girl's imagination.
The book, Shadow, by Suzy Lee displays the story of a little girl's imagination. The book takes you on a journey through the little girl's imagination as she plays in the attic of her house. This book dives deeper into her creative skills as she uses the element of light to create shadows and to tell a story.
I would use this book with students to give them an example of how storytelling can shown through illustrations. Students would be able to draw their own story or write a story to go along with the original illustrations.
This is a good book for children to develop their ability to use their imagination. In the book the illustrator tells the story of a little girl who uses shadow to play and tell her story. The illustrator uses value to represent the shadows versus reality. The illustrator mostly uses black and white aside from when she uses yellow to represent light.
#ReadingResolutions Day 30: For #Shadow, I have a very detailed Q and A here with the unparalleled Suzy Lee who shared with me her creative process in crafting her wordless trilogy, including #Shadow, Mirror, and Wave. Full review and transcript of interview here - https://wp.me/pDlzr-19M