I have to give a presentation on cybersecurity this week and decided to re-listen to this audiobook. I absolutely love this book about a woman making a career in the early days of ethical hacking and penetration testing.
I have to give a presentation on cybersecurity this week and decided to re-listen to this audiobook. I absolutely love this book about a woman making a career in the early days of ethical hacking and penetration testing.
This was a really interesting look into the world of computer hacking. Scary, but interesting.
I‘ve been listening to this in the car. Very weird but in a good way.
I really enjoyed this book. It was a little different than what I had initially thought but it was a fascinating story about a woman, code named, "Alien." Breaking and Entering details her life starting in college at MIT and follows her growing and exciting life as a hacker over a number of years. While I didn't exactly understand everything the author was talking about, I did appreciate his succinct descriptions of computer words.
I‘m really enjoying this book! 👽👽 Staying warm learning about her hacking journey. Still on the #nonfiction kick!
Henry and I went for a short walk in the snow. I saw the tracks in bottom left. Does anyone know what made them? Cats possibly? Two neighbors turned their cats loose over the past two years. 😡😡