I really enjoyed this book. Lots of emotions throughout the story. Love, loss, jealousy, forgiveness. This book makes you hold on tight to hope even when despair is staring you in the face.
I really enjoyed this book. Lots of emotions throughout the story. Love, loss, jealousy, forgiveness. This book makes you hold on tight to hope even when despair is staring you in the face.
Amazing. This book just "spoke" to me. Beautifully written, I couldn't put this down. The message of hope and love truly touched me and brought me to tears many times.
I actually really liked this one. It had a young adult, The Running Man feel. A quick read that kept my attention and had me turning pages quickly. It definitely had some gore and I appreciated how much the author pushed the limits. I'm looking forward to reading the second book.
Not bad for a haunted house novel. The story started out gripping and then went through a lull phase that I struggled to get through. The ending was interesting and did have me turning pages quickly. I wish the epilogue had pushed the envelope even more, though. I was left hoping for a little "Moore".
This book started out on a high note. It was fairly graphic and unsettling with a Law & Order: SVU vibe. As the book wore on, however, I began to lose some interest. I think it was a bit too long. The climax ending was extremely reminiscent of King's book, Finders Keepers, and a bit of a let down. On the whole, The Outsider started off strong and just sort of lost its steam.
Not quite what I was expecting. I enjoyed the actual storyline involving Charlie, Miranda, and Adam but there was a lot history, politics, and, what I found to be, "filler" that, in my opinion, took away from the story. I skimmed a lot of the "fluff" just to finish the book faster.
I really enjoyed this easy, feel good story...until the ending. I'm torn on how to feel about the way Harper's storyline ends. As a strong, independent woman, it's a little off-putting to read what her relationship goes through and how it finishes. However, the writing was good and I enjoyed the multi-person perspectives.
This was a quick, easy read that kept me engaged almost the entire time. I'm not sure I loved the way the book ended, but I did love the suspense and the twists and turns.
I feel like Prisoner was easy to read and an interesting overall story. This was going outside my comfort zone with books and, while I thought Jason's experiences were unimaginable and horrific, I lost interest in the story around page 180. I skimmed the rest of the book.
May the 4th be with you!
Just some Star Wars nail art I did at work.
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I couldn't put this down! I liked the parallel storylines. The first follows a young psychiatrist, Viktor Kosárek, taking a position at Hrad Orlú Asylum for the Criminally Insane. We learn about the six inmates housed there, known as the Devil's Six, and are given each of their backstory's. The second storyline follows a police officer, Lukás Smolák, and his investigation into "Leather Apron," a Jack the Ripper copycat.
So good!!!!
Your classic haunted house novel. I liked the overall story but hated the women characters. They were basically liabilities. Hell House is fairly, sexually graphic so if you have problems with that, I probably wouldn't recommend it. Also, a little disappointed in the ending. It fell flat to me.
Hmm. I don't know about this one. Very strange and I'm not sure I mean that in a good way. I think I was expecting more of a horror-esque/slasher story and I was let down by where the story went and how it ended. It was an easy read, written well, but left me befuttled and disappointed.
I really enjoyed this book. It was a little different than what I had initially thought but it was a fascinating story about a woman, code named, "Alien." Breaking and Entering details her life starting in college at MIT and follows her growing and exciting life as a hacker over a number of years. While I didn't exactly understand everything the author was talking about, I did appreciate his succinct descriptions of computer words.
I love me some Steven King but, while I did enjoy the story, I found it to be quite long. There were moments when I found my attention wandering but there were other times where I was fully engrossed in the story. I did love Charlie.
I actually thought this was a bit long and drawn out. I also wasn't 100% convinced of the reason why Abby felt it necessary to leave Liam in the first place. The last few chapters were probably the best part of the book, where you do find out a few twists to the story. The writing was good but it was just ok for me.
I didn't not like this book. I was slightly confused at first and found myself Googling Cordova. The biggest issue I had was this feeling that I had missed something vital and had to fight the urge to re-read the entire book. I did enjoy the writing itself. It wasn't a book I found boring but, because of my confusion and the length of the book (592 pages), I spent way too long trying to finish a book I wasn't 100% in love with.
I liked this one. There were lots of twists throughout the story, which definitely kept me on my toes and caused me to suspect everyone. The final twist at the end gave me goosebumps but I was also slightly let down as it was cliffhanger-esque and I had unanswered questions.
This was a quick read and I couldn't put it down. B. A. Paris brings you on an emotional rollercoaster with this one. I enjoyed the past and present tense flashes; however, I felt that this also made it easier to figure out some of the twists. I do wish Paris had pushed the envelope just a bit more with Jack to truly set this book apart.
Fiona Shaw is an author I have really enjoyed reading. I appreciate how she is able to continue using her two main characters, Kate Waters and DI Sparkes, through her books without repeating storylines.
I enjoyed the twists in The Suspect and bringing Kate's son, Jake, into the story gave this an extra level of suspense. However, I did feel that this book was a touch on the long side and that some of the "tracking" could have been edited out.
"Success often lies not in what happens but in what you prevent from happening" -Ron Stallworth
While the writing is not stylized, I appreciated Ron's "face-to-face" storybook writing. Throughout the entire book, I felt as though he were in the room with me telling me his story. I found his experiences with infiltrating the KKK to be captivating and, truly, fascinating.
Wow. I'm not even quite sure what I just finished reading. So the beginning starts out with Jake and his girlfriend and ends in a complete mindf**k. I'm sorry but there is literally no other word to describe this book. It's haunting, scary, intense; a serious page turner that leaves you in shock.
The Perfect Nanny started out with a gripping prologue, of sorts. The first half of the book I flew through. Then I felt the story started to lose momentum and become long and drawn out. It was a relatively quick read but the end was a disappointment.
The Mansion is sort of a high-tech, Rose Madder meets The Shining. The first few chapters were long but extremely descriptive. I felt the story started to really take traction after Emily and Billy agree to move into Shawn's next-generation, childhood home. Nellie makes a decent protagonist, however, I was left wanting a bit more.
Loved this. An easy, funny read that pulls at your heart strings. I laughed and cried.
The saga continues with this one. It was a bit slow for me while also being too long but it was an interesting continuation of the Holmes/Watson/Moriarty families.
A cute adaptation of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. The storyline was good, although, parts of the ending were quite obvious and a bit of a let down. Not bad for a young adult mystery book.
Meh. It was just ok. Predictable. Not sure I'd call it a "pick" but slightly more than a "so-so." Sort of a Single White Female meets Gone Girl story.
I'm torn. The story was a quick read and definitely intriguing. However, every time we reach a climax point between Samuel and Ruth, and even at the end, it never reaches that tipping point. Like a rollercoaster that never quite reaches the top but stops 3/4 of the way there and then lets you down. I was left hoping for more.
I'm sad to say that this wasn't quite what I thought it was going to be. It was very long and a lot of what was written, to me, didn't seem very relevant to the story. I also did not enjoy how it jumped around in time because the transitions weren't very smooth. A bit of a let down.
Tragic and heart-wrenching while also beautiful and heart-warming. Ruth Wariner leaves nothing out about her life growing up in a polygamist community. The Sound of Gravel is powerful and leads your emotions on a roller coaster.
Ugh. I tried so hard to get into this book. I absolutely HATE bailing on a book but I just couldn't do it. Slade House was like a mix of Alice in Wonderland (drugs) meets a haunted house meets the same story on repeat every chapter with some aliens thrown in for good measure. I felt like I would have enjoyed the book if I were high. Super disappointed as the book summary sounds so intriguing.
Shockingly, I loved this book just as much as the first! I like that Meg Gardiner brought in other antagonists in this book instead of just continuing on with the origional book's storyline. I feel like this lead to the success of this sequel. Excited to continue reading these UNSUB novels.
Fantastic. A tragic tale based on one of America's real-life scandals.
"A woman's past need not predict her future. She can dance to new music if she chooses. Her own music. To hear the tune, she must only stop talking. To herself, I mean. We're always trying to persuade ourselves of things." -May Weathers
Not bad. I have only read two books by Ruth Ware and this one was the better of the two. Most of the twists were easy to guess but the storyline was interesting.
Great book. The Almost Sisters is a mix of family, southern history, love, and racial injustice with some "nerd alert" humor thrown in. It didn't get a full five stars because I almost felt like it was too long but, at the same time, it was missing something. Definitely worth reading.
This is not a book I would ever have chosen for myself. A friend loaned it to me and I, finally, opened it to read it. Wow. This book took my breath away. It was raw and real; the writing was beautiful. I laughed and cried...multiple times. HIGHLY recommend!
Tragic and heart-wrenching. Based on the experiences of real-life kidnapping victim, Sally Horner, and her captor. While this book isn't a real true crime book, I appreciated the author's speculation and fictionalized story, flipping between viewpoints, to understand how Sally's kidnapping touched family, friends, and strangers.
This is my second time reading Sharp Objects. In my opinion, this is Gillian Flynn's best book. I love that she is willing to dig underneath your skin and make you feel nauseous with her writing. One of the truly sick, twisted, and messed up books I've ever read.
This book was a let down. The plot and storyline had potential but the twists fell flat and were too predictable. I also felt as the the writing itself was...off. Sort of...jumpy, I guess is the best word I can think of. It just didn't flow nicely.
Chilling. I can only imagine what it would feel like to have my child abducted in a matter of minutes. This book was a gripping, page turner.
I had a hard time putting this book down. I liked the back and forth in tense and view point. It kept things interesting. The storyline was intriguing and, while I did figure out the twist, I was glad that the author continued the story so I felt a true sense of closure, if you will, with the ending.
Very Gone Girl-esque. Lots of twists: some easy to figure out, some a bit more tricky. Easy-to-read and short chapters; I liked this one!
Different. I can't say that I liked this book but I also can't say I disliked it. It did take me way to long too finish reading but I did enjoy the differing view points of Lady and Esther.