Lines 37-42
She‘s the aggressor. Apparently, Shakespeare liked his women feisty. 😏
#Shakespeare #narrativepoems #venusandadonis
Lines 37-42
She‘s the aggressor. Apparently, Shakespeare liked his women feisty. 😏
#Shakespeare #narrativepoems #venusandadonis
Lines 31-36
Love how the traditional roles of the passionate male and the cold female are reversed. She‘s passionate, and he‘s cold.
#Shakespeare #narrativepoems #venusandadonis
So many people seem to think the sonnets prove that Shakespeare is gay. Unfortunately, that‘s probably not the case. It seems a lot of writers in this period wrote sonnet sequences as a type of writing exercise (in fact, I may have to take it up myself just to say I did it once). His sexuality is neither important to these poems, nor on display. In Elizabethan England, only Shakespeare and Fletcher refused to name their characters/inspiration.
This intro is SO informative, and very interesting. I also just read that I probably should have read the narrative poems BEFORE the sonnets, because they sonnets refer back to the narrative poems at times. Oops.
#poetry #shakespeare #sonnets #narrativepoems #sonnetsandotherpoems
So many good quotes, and I‘m only on the first section of the introduction. I cannot wait to read Venus and Adonis now.
#Shakespeare #VenusandAdonis #poetry #narrativepoem #sonnetsandotherpoems
There is ZERO doubt about this double entendre. ROTFL🤣🤣🤣 Jesus Shakespeare. Dude.
#shakespeare #VenusandAdonis #narrativepoem #poetry #innuendo #shakespeareaninnuendo #doublemeaning