Books I think would be 👌 for book club...
I‘m participating in an ABC book challenge over on Instagram and thought I might as well share my photos here as well, I‘m not sure if my bookshelves will contain a book that begins with every letter of the alphabet - time will tell!
This was one of my absolute favourite reads of 2018 - it‘s sadly underrated!
Recently, I tried to convince a room full of people to read these books. Mixed results. I think I also got talked into reading Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club and revisiting Jasper Fforde...
Can someone else read this so I have someone to *flail* with...
New favourite book! I‘m so sad that I‘m not seeing this everywhere on social media. It‘s one of those books that has been marketed as teen but would probably be more at home in adult... It‘s a beautiful, heart wrenching, nail biting story about the power of words and the freedom of speech, in all its glory and chaos as a controversial play sparks violence and perhaps war between two neighboring cities. It‘s a story of familial love & much more!
‘The words were said now, the thing sworn; there could be no going back.‘ #lovenzya
When the blurb on Litsy is wrong...
This is my most anticipated book of the year (and crazy underhyped) so you can bet that I was 1. Really excited that it‘s now in bookstores and 2. Really enthusiastic at the point of purchase, telling the bookseller that Sherryl Jordon wrote one of my favourite books, The Raging Quiet (now sadly out of print) ☺️