I love this series. I know it is gear for kids, but I feel like I learn so much about the famous people they feature.
I love this series. I know it is gear for kids, but I feel like I learn so much about the famous people they feature.
#NFNov Book 15 finished.
#TIL Milton Hershey believed workers and the community should share in his profits. He built homes his employees. He built an industrial school for orphaned boys. I wish more corporations today had this philosophy.
@rsteve388 @Clwojick
My son and I read this biography about Milton Hershey. I have to say, he was a very determined entrepreneur. He wasn‘t selfish either, also giving back to his community. We need more Americans like Hershey.
And who doesn‘t ❤️ a good piece of chocolate? 🍫 Yum Yum! I like how Hershey kisses got their name. Too funny! Hopefully one day I can take a trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania.