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Birthright | Nora Roberts
Overseeing the excavation of an ancient skeleton at a small-town construction site, archaeologist Callie Dunbrook copes with accidents and rumors that the project is cursed, a situation that is complicated by a stranger's claims about her past.
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Birthright | Nora Roberts
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A lot of strands coming together in this story, and I loved the way Roberts pulls it all together. She manages to be thoughtful about subjects like adoption, nature/nurture, second chances, and what family means, all with a dose of good humor and a bit of murder mystery thrown in. Never a huge fan of the sex scenes, but I know how to skim. :-D

Anyone interested in this copy? I'm happy to mail it to you - just leave a request in the comments!

Birthright | Nora Roberts
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1. Tagged
2. “Then immediately she picked up the phone again to put the plan that had formed in her mind into action.“
3. Sadly, I have a morning addiction to Lemonade/Tea Monster Rehab...

@RachelsBrittain #weekendreads

LoverOfLearning Question do I just screenshot this list of questions then repost it? 5y
TheAromaofBooks @LoverofLearning - yes! Or, if you use a computer like I do, you can save the picture and then upload it as a new post. Most posts like this have a # and @ on them as well, so when you answer the questions, be sure to use those so the original poster can see your responses. :-) 5y
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Birthright | Nora Roberts

Downloaded this because I was doing some database testing (I work in a library) and then started reading it. I think I *might* have read it before but I can't remember for sure. Either way, I thought this was a pretty strong book. It's a realistic romantic thriller with multiple storylines, which I am a sucker for.

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Birthright | Nora Roberts
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Of all the books I've read, this is the only first line that I remember! I don't know what that says about me 🙈
This line directly puts me in the mind of a kid, from whose perspective the prologue is told. One of my favorite NR's books, it tells a story of pain and strength, of fighting for the truth and doing what's right, and the bonds that exist among friends and family.
Also, the only Edward Cullen that I like 🙄
#GreatFirstLines #NoraRoberts

JoRead That Edward comment was my first thought as well 😂 8y
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