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Joined March 2019

Lover of Sherlock and Forensic Psychology goodreads.com/beccaboo22
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The Inmate: A Novel by Freida McFadden
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Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
The Inmate: A Novel | Freida McFadden
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Just started this audiobook. This is book #3 by this author.

I quite enjoy her writing style, especially the audiobooks.

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Currently reading this / listening on audio 😍 Already loving it. The audiobook really brings the story to life.

Andy Weir's last book, The Martin was fantastic!

TheSpineView Loved this one!❤️📖❤️ 6mo
Deblovestoread Audio is definitely the way to go. So good! 6mo
LoverOfLearning @TheSpineView I'm about 55% done! Loving it! 6mo
LoverOfLearning @Deblovestoread Brings Rocky to life 😍 6mo
perfectsinner Loved this. Actually was thinking about giving it a reread this year 6mo
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Okay now this was a good psychological thriller! Almost refreshing because of it's intense setting and character build up. It's different than most of thrillers on the market.

If you liked Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn or the movie Disturbia with Shia Labeouf, this one's for you!!

Can't wait to watch the movie this weekend!

4.5 star audiobook listen for me! It was a little predictable but i actually didn't care

The Nightingale | Kristin Hannah
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Got myself a used kindle!!! Obsessed.

Reading the Nightingale for my bookclub read this month, 45% done. This book is going to shatter me I suspect..... but people seem to really love it!

I predict a 4 star read for me. I'm definitely captivated and wish I could stay up all night and day reading.

PaperbackPirate Congratulations on your Kindle. I hope you love it! 8mo
LiteraryHoarderPenny It was the last part of the book where it really picked up for me and shattered my heart and left me in a puddle of tears. 8mo
LoverOfLearning @LiteraryHoarderPenny I'm not ready 😭 8mo
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Honestly this was a bit strange. I was very disappointed. I loved the characters but the sexual / asexual aspects of this book did not mesh with the storyline. It was confusing, disorganized and completely took me away from enjoying the characters' journey.
Not my favorite from TJ Klune 😕

But........ I am SOOO excited for the follow-up book to House in the Cerulean Sea to come out... already know it will be a 4/5 star read!!!

The.Great.Catsby I'm also super excited for Somewhere Beyond the Sea. I love love loved Cerulean! I totally agree about this one, though. It completely missed the mark for me. 8mo
LoverOfLearning @The.Great.Catsby yeah glad I'm not alone in that... and yay yay yay we can be excited together 8mo
WorldsOkayestStepMom *gasp* there's going to be a sequel to Cerulean Sea?! 8mo
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dabbe #hailthebail! ❤️💜🩷 8mo
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Hidden Pictures: A Novel | Jason Rekulak
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Now this was a book I quite enjoyed! The images throughout.... creepy.... I loved it!!! I studied child psychology, so this novel really held my attention. 4 🌟

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Match | Harlan Coben
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First time ever reading a Harlen Coben novel!

I enjoyed it. Was fast paced, interesting, and kept me hooked. I have no real complaints except it could've been a smidge shorter. Glad I didn't need to read the first book first! Ha because I had no idea it connected. Oops.

I'd recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

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I love looking at random piles of books 😍🥰

These are all the random books I acquired the last 2 months at all different places. Buying books is definitely a seperate hobby than reading books. 🥲😂

Ruthiella Who doesn‘t love a random pile of books! 📚😃 1y
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Untitled | Untitled
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Reading on my tablet 😍🥰 still such a new book its not on Litsy yet. Wild!.

Such a lovely and quiet night all to myself.

From Steves own words, he details the crime he committed against his father and family friends and his unique mindset behind it. He was later found not guilty by reason of insanity. A fascinating read with insight and a perspective not often heard. I'm so captivated by it.

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I don't normally read mass market authors, but let's give this one a go! I picked it up today from a local resale book shop.

Well after some research it's book 2 in a short series, but I think I can read it as a stand alone. Ugh I hate that they don't openly tell you this. This is why I don't often read mass market.

Regardless, it seems like it will be a good and quick read.

Anyone read this one yet?

The_Book_Ninja Everything he writes seems to get turned into a Netflix show. I avoid for that reason. Good luck though 1y
LoverOfLearning @The_Book_Ninja yeah I can understand why. It's actually not bad and is really a quick read. I'm 26% in so far. 1y
Cinfhen It was good, quick read and you don‘t really need to read the first book - enjoy 1y
LoverOfLearning @Cinfhen oh good! Yeah that's what I thought! 1y
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Untitled | Untitled
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A BRAND new true-crime book just released. With 1 single rating on goodreads.

It's free with Kindle unlimited. 🤯 I love being one of the first people in the world to read a book. So cool!

A narrative by Steven Anderson himself, who committed a mass shooting in New Zealand and was later found not guilty by reason of insanity. The story of event leading up to the crime and how he's coped since.

I predict a 5 star read.

Hook, Line, and Sinker | Tessa Bailey
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Cute storyline that was ultimately different than the first book in the series.

Solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ star read. I think I enjoyed the drama of book 1 more.

Would absolutely read more from Tessa Bailey.

Cupcake12 I‘ve read the first one and just got this one. X 1y
LoverOfLearning @Cupcake12 it's cute but almost a bit more serious than the first. Different vibes for sure. 1y
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I devoured this audiobook and was visibly grinning and laughing outloud the whole time.

A cute, lighthearted read that came at a perfect time.

6 / 5 stars. Would read again

The Guest List | Lucy Foley
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Started this one! I bet it's a great thriller but I'm not sure I'm in the mood of it right now...

Maybe because I recently finished And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie and I didn't fully realize this story is based on the classic.

I may put this on the back-burner for a bit and start a new physical read.

Bone Deep: Untangling the Betsy Faria Murder Case | Charles Henry Bosworth, Joel Schwartz
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Listening to this true-crime audiobook. About a murder case that happened near my college town. The husband was changed for the crime but years later was found innocent. Who is the real killer?

I applied for a job with the local public defenders office and have an interview this week! Honestly, it's a crazy coincidence that this story is based there.

Well wish me luck! It's a job that matches my masters degree so well!

JamieArc Good luck 🍀 1y
LoverOfLearning @JamieArc thank you 😊 1y
DaveGreen7777 Hope the job interview goes well! 1y
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Misery | Stephen King
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I can not believe I have NEVER read a Steven King novel before. How is that even possible?

I'll be reading this one as an ebook through Libby soon! I'm hyping it up.


TheNeverendingTBR I love it. It's such an atmospheric read. 1y
CSeydel This may be my favorite of his, although I haven‘t read even half of his novels 1y
LoverOfLearning @CSeydel @TheNeverendingTBR Awesome! I feel like it'll be a good one for me then! 1y
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Bookwormjillk A great book 1y
dabbe Holy Batman; what a great cover, too! 🤩🤩🤩 1y
Lucy_Anywhere I sneaked this off my dad‘s bookshelf and read it when I was far too young and it horrified me 😂 I‘ve not read a Stephen King since! 1y
LoverOfLearning @Lucy_Anywhere oh no 🤣😂 thank you for this laugh. I needed that today. 🙌🏻 1y
LoverOfLearning @dabbe it's an art print created by Matt Tablot ! Gorgeous right. You can buy it online 1y
dabbe @LoverOfLearning Thanks! 🤩🤗😍 1y
IndianBookworm I remember reading it in my teens and followed the book with the movie. It was a bit horrifying! 😂 1y
jamield1911 Personally, I think this is a great one to start with! It's in my top 3 King books. Along with The Shining and The Green Mile! I hope you enjoy 😊 1y
LoverOfLearning @IndianBookworm oooh! Yeah I've not seen the movie either. Although I did see his movie Carrie and the gore was so over done hahaha 1y
LoverOfLearning @jamield1993 wow awesome! Thanks! 1y
TheLudicReader Great choice. 1y
LoverOfLearning @TheLudicReader thanks! So many good recommendations for it 1y
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Really enjoying this one so far! 70% done on Libby audio.

A storyline going completely in reverse as a mother is forced to relive past events in an attempt to stop her son from killing someone just after his 18th birthday. Will she stop him despite more mysteries arising?

I predict a 4 star read.

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Welcome to my murder mystery section of my bookshelf. 🕵‍♂️💀👀

Yes, that is a skull book divider. The other half matches. And yes I'm obsessed with it.

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Untitled | Unknown
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Crazy! I never really rate books low. Out of 190 books I rated... only these 4 were rated ⭐️⭐️. No 1 stars.

Hmmm. What were some of your lowest rated books.

Blossom on Winter was soooooo uncomfortable and gave me such icky vibes. Looking back that should be 1 star.

Ruthiella I gave Station Eleven 3⭐️ but it definitely was a book that didn‘t quite live up to the hype for me. 1y
LoverOfLearning @Ruthiella yeah I also listened to it on audio and rushed it because I was bored. I really didn't give it a fair shake... but also oh well. Haha 1y
Bookwormjillk I don‘t really have a lot of low ratings either. If I don‘t like a book I don‘t finish. The only ones that come to mind are a few book club books that I felt I had to finish. 1y
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Excellent start to the book, really grabbed my attention. But soon started to flop.

The way the author wrote about trauma / victim care made no sense. It's 2023. There's research everywhere. Along with the unnecessary trauma dumping that had no relation to the plot. Not a great choice.

The ending was a bit far fetched and i only liked 1 character. Although, I did like the storyline and the short chapters.

Solid 2 stars for me.

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I have discovered my favorite style of non-fiction writing. Gut-wrenching situations written from the perspective of a journalist. I've read 3 books in this format and I gave all of them 5 🌟.

Do you have other similar recommendations?

Also, if you really get to know me, you would soon learn that I don't shut about about American Prison. It is infuriating yet somehow shocking. I promote it constsntly especially because I work with offenders.

Ruthiella I‘ve read very little in this area, but can recommend 1y
Decalino Behind the Beautiful Forevers is unforgettable. What a powerful book! 1y
LoverOfLearning @Decalino Right! I studied it in undergrad! 1y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve read both American Prison and A False Report and agree, both are outstanding. There‘s a book from last year that I was a little reluctant to read initially but is in the same vein and is phenomenal, so I‘m so glad I read it: 1y
LoverOfLearning @Hooked_on_books oooh! Definitely will check out! Thanks! 1y
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My reading spot today 😍😍😍 a local spot just 10 minutes from my apartment. So peaceful.

Loving this book so far. Read half the book yesterday! 📖 Creepy and intriguing, with unreliable narrators. The only thing is I don't quite like the characters or some of the plotlines from the standpoint of victim rights... makes no sense to me.

But nonetheless I'm enjoying this!

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Been reading in my car with the windows down the last 2 hours. My porch isn't set up yet and it is too beautiful of a day to be inside.

Not too weird of a place to read by any means, but where is the weirdest place you have read?

This book is creeepy so far yikes. But definitely a quick read that is keeping my interest.

RebL I appreciate the ingenuity, & I hope you get your porch set up soon. 1y
LoverOfLearning @RebL me too! I love living spontaneously. Finding new places to relax and explore. Hopefully next weekend!! 1y
she.hearts.horror I have this one on my list. Hopefully, I‘ll get to it soon. I need an organically quick read ASAP. 1y
LoverOfLearning @she.hearts.horror the beginning definitely hooked me in! 1y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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Incredible writing, Madeline Miller does not disappoint. I listened to this on audio.

An excellent retelling of Circe and other Greek mythology stories. I will say I did not expect the ending.

Solid read. 4.5 stars. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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My newest book hold on Libby came in!! This is my book club pick this month for my small friend group.

Who's read it? The plot line sounds so intriguing!

A mother is trying to stop her teenage son from becoming a murderer, but she always too late. Stuck in a time loop trying to stop the inevitable.—how did it get to that point? And why?

Ooooh sounds SO GOOD. I haven't read a contemporary mystery thriller in way too long.

KathyWheeler That sounds really interesting! 1y
IndianBookworm Waiting for your review! Sounds so promising though. 1y
LoverOfLearning @IndianBookworm I'll be starting it soon! 🥰 1y
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Circe | Madeline Miller
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Loving this book so far. 70% done. And the way Madeline Miller references Achilles and Patroclus's love story. 😭😭 I was not ready.

A fierce and feminist retelling of Homer's The Oddessy.

House of Leaves | Mark Z Danielewski
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Still SLOWLY chugging along with this book. On page 384 out of 528. The rest is exhibits (seen above).

A good read but boyyy is this long. Been reading this for 2 years but I always come back to it!

mcipher This is a LOT of book - I think I only finished because it was a buddy read! 1y
LoverOfLearning @mcipher this started as a buddy read, but I don't think they got past the first 5 pages. 💀 1y
mcipher @LoverOfLearning 😂 I can see that! I did enjoy its weirdness and I‘m glad I finished… but yeah 1y
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TieDyeDude It took me the better part of a year to read this. Fascinating, challenging, weird, rewarding. Definitely something to brag about finishing ;) 1y
LoverOfLearning @TieDyeDude oh yes! I'll definitely brag when I am finished!! Haha. 1y
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And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie
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Incredible. Bravo to Agatha. Just wow. So well planned and executed. The ending was perfect with her signature amount of cleverness.

How have I not read this sooner!!

Also, who knew there was a video game?! I can very much understand why people are obsessed with this book and the murder mystery theme.

5 stars 🌟

KathyWheeler I think this book is her absolute best. 1y
LoverOfLearning @KathyWheeler the amount of planning she must've put in! Wow 1y
IndianBookworm There's a web show too, actually I guess there are two adaptations. One with 3 episodes and the other with 10. I've watched the former and I found it really entertaining. 😊 1y
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Librarybelle My favorite by Christie! 1y
LoverOfLearning @IndianBookworm I'll have to check it out! 1y
IndianBookworm @LoverOfLearning I'm sure you'll enjoy it! 1y
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And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie
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A good book and a bubble bath 🛀 📖

Does anyone else annotate books while in the tub? Haha.

70 pages left loving this so far!! ☠️ I have a guess at what's happening...... but I know I can't be right. No way.
Can't wait to finish it!

Circe | Madeline Miller
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Look what finally came in after WEEKS of patiently waiting. This book has been on my tbr for so long.

I'm happy to finally have the chance to hear the story.

I love mythology retellings. I predict a 5 star read.

Reggie This is one of my top 10 books from the last 5 years. Enjoy!! 1y
LoverOfLearning @Reggie ooooh! I love some good book hype. I'm starting the audiobook...... now.! 1y
5feet.of.fury It‘s such a beautiful story! Enjoy! 1y
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currentlyreadinginCO Oh I love Circe!! 1y
LoverOfLearning @5feet.of.fury Thanks 🥰 1y
Nessavamusic Love this book! 1y
dabbe Love, love, love this book! Can't wait to read what you think! And, if you like it and the author, give THE SONG OF ACHILLES a look, too! (loved that one as well). 🤗 1y
AmyG Fabulous book. Enjoy! 1y
LoverOfLearning @dabbe read that book twice! Incredible writing. 🥰 1y
dabbe @LoverOfLearning Well, you're a shoo-in to love CIRCE, too! I wish she'd pump out book faster! 🤣🤣🤣 1y
LoverOfLearning @dabbe well I already love the narrators voice! So definitely going to be wnjoyable 1y
LoverOfLearning @dabbe enjoyable* I'll likely have to buy a hard copy of it because the cover designs are allincredible 1y
dabbe @LoverOfLearning They are, aren't they? 💙 1y
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Happy Litsyversary! | Special Events
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I'm always so honored to be a part of this litsy community. Always so welcomed, respected, and motivated.

You all bring me pure joy. There's very few things in this world that give this same sense of comfort and support.

I'll cherish this moment by saying thank you all for making this platform into what it is. 🥰🌞😍✌️💗

I found my people


Sleepswithbooks This is so lovely 🫶🏻 1y
LoverOfLearning @Sleepswithbooks it is proven that gratefulness can help to rebuild new healthy brain cells 🥰 it is essential. 1y
Smrloomis YES!! 😍😍😍🤩👏🏽💕🙏🏽 1y
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AmyG Thank YOU! Gratitude 🙌🏻 1y
Chelsea.Poole So glad you‘re here!! 🦋 1y
Ruthiella ❤️❤️❤️ 1y
Julsmarshall Happy you are part of the litsy family! 1y
LoverOfLearning @Julsmarshall @Chelsea.Poole @Ruthiella same to you all 🌞🥰 1y
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I've tried 3 times to get into this book both physically and audiobook. The start of the book jumps characters and time lines way too many times. It's doesn't really grasp your attention.

Now I really do think I would enjoy the second half of this book. But by this point other things are capturing my attention.i hardly got 20% of the way in.

And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie
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I love taking notes and trying to solve a classic mystery book.

Do you think there's any chance I'll solve it? Hahaha little to none is my bet.

Not after how much work Agatha put into just writing this!! Incredible feat.

eeclayton This is one of her best! 😊 1y
LoverOfLearning @eeclayton no spoilers please. But did you expect the ending or were you shocked? 1y
The.Great.Catsby I remember being pretty shocked at the ending. This is the book that got me into reading mystery/thrillers! 1y
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BookmarkTavern Oh you are in for a treat! I love this one. ❤️ 1y
eeclayton @LoverOfLearning I did not expect the ending at all! 1y
LoverOfLearning @eeclayton ooohhh!! I'm excited to read more ☺️ 1y
LoverOfLearning @ozma.of.oz I love a good classic mystery. I love them all. 💗 1y
LoverOfLearning @The.Great.Catsby cool!! Mine was definitely the TV show CSI Vegas and Cold Case Files. That inspired me to start reading a lot of true crime and then psychological thriller novels. 1y
The.Great.Catsby @LoverOfLearning that's awesome! And both great shows! 1y
LoverOfLearning @The.Great.Catsby yes!! Strange but they were my childhood favorites 1y
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I saw someone made a #moodboard and I wanted to join in.

Here is a mood board dedicated to my favorite book character Mr. Sherlock Holmes. 🕵‍♂️🔎📖💀

@dabbe @AkashaVampie

dabbe Well, we have something in common! I'm a Sherlock fanatic myself! LOVE your board; you encompass a lot of big moments throughout the canon! 😊💚🤗 1y
LoverOfLearning @dabbe Awe thank you for those kind words! I have a beautiful library bound book of all of Conan Doyle's works. It's gorgeous and I am about 1/4 done with it! I have a bunch of other items and things about Sherlock too! 1y
LoverOfLearning @dabbe I just realized I wrote the quote wrong ! 😂 oops don't tell anyone. lol 1y
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IndianBookworm Hi there fellow Sherlock fan! Loved your mood board so much! So freakin' beautiful!😍♥️ 1y
dabbe @LoverOfLearning 🤐💙🤣 1y
dabbe @LoverOfLearning I never tire of reading/rereading these. They are a balm to my soul. 💙 1y
dabbe @IndianBookworm It is awesome, isn't it? Another #sherlocked fan! 🤗 1y
IndianBookworm @dabbe it is! I've been #sherlocked for years at this point.😁 1y
jenniferw88 Andrew Scott narrates quite a few Audible books... just saying! 🤣 Currently listening to this, read by him. Thought it an appropriate one to choose as he's native to Dublin 🤣 1y
LoverOfLearning @IndianBookworm awee so kind! Thank you ❤️ 😊 1y
LoverOfLearning @dabbe 🥰🥰🥰 1y
LoverOfLearning @jenniferw88 ooohh I'll check it out! 1y
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Just finished this book. Ooooh it was spicyyy and written well.🥵

I enjoyed the writing, the character's banter, and the storyline. I can't wait for the movie!! And to read book #2.

Solid 4 star romance. 🌟 🥰

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Just started this book on audio! I have the physical copy as well and may read along with the audiobook.

I'm always in the mood for a spooky read!

TheNeverendingTBR I like to do this too, it helps me concentrate. 🙂 1y
Bette Great cover. 👍 1y
LoverOfLearning @TheNeverendingTBR kinda hard to get used to as you don't have to think for yourself at all. But satisfying once you get used to it! 1y
LoverOfLearning @Bette very cool right! 1y
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And Then There Were None | Agatha Christie
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Reading this for the FIRST time. How?

Just a mystery thriller classic. Whos read this?

Ruthiella The first Christie I ever read! I was 12 or 13; never looked back. 😂 1y
KathyWheeler It‘s one of her best! 1y
Sarahreadstoomuch That‘s a favorite! The movie is good too - a classic! 1y
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LoverOfLearning @Sarahreadstoomuch the one from 1945? There's a short TV series from 2015 too! I haven't seen either 1y
Sarahreadstoomuch @LoverOfLearning yes -1945 in black & white. It‘s a little different than the book but really well done 1y
LoverOfLearning @Ruthiella I love that for you!! I've listened to a lot of her shorter stories on audiobook but I have a physical copy of this one! :) 1y
LoverOfLearning @KathyWheeler I'm excited to read it! 1y
LoverOfLearning @Sarahreadstoomuch Fun! Once I finish the book I'll check out the movie! Thanks for the recommendation 1y
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Just started this one. I haven't read a romance novel in a while!

Has anyone read this one?

Kshakal I really enjoyed this one!! 1y
LoverOfLearning @Kshakal oh good!! I'm listening to the audiobook now. 🥰 1y
Cupcake12 I loved this book. I also have the next one in the series too. 1y
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LoverOfLearning @Cupcake12 I have that one on hold on Libby. I'll get in in a month or so! 1y
swishandflick Sooooo good! 1y
LoverOfLearning @swishandflick just finished the audiobook 🔥🥵 1y
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Gods of Jade and Shadow | Silvia Moreno-Garcia
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A nice change of pace with this read.

Transported me to a new culture and beautifully described places far from Ilinois.

No complaints just wanted a tiny bit more spark. 4 stars.

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The Martian | Weir, Andy
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I did not expect to like this book as much as I did!

I loved it, although I think I did enjoy the movie just a tiny bit more. Which doesn't often happen.

4 star read!

Jari-chan What a nice edition! 1y
Liatrek One of my favorite and love this cover🙂 1y
LoverOfLearning @Jari-chan @Liatrek just some fan art I found online! It's gorgeous right! 1y
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The Murmur of Bees | Sofa Segovia
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I will always reccomended this book.

The story is incredible and the ending is tear worthy. Read it 3 years ago and I still think about this.

5 stars now and forever.
There is a slow start so don't let that put you off.

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Just finished this book. I am SOBBING at this ending. 🥺 and I can't tell you why without ruining it.

This was so good, especially the last 50 pages. I don't think I have ever reacted to a book this deeply before.

12/10 highly recommend.

7 students are lost and scared of the world until one day their bedroom mirrors shine brightly. One by one they enter a lonely castle. Their mission is to find a single key to unlock one single wish.

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Untitled | Untitled
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My friends have recommended me these books to read in the next year! A selected few of these I would not have pick for myself, so I am excited to see how I end up rating them.

What were some of your favorites from this list?

suvata Loved 2y
Clwojick I adored Instant Karma and The Grace Year! 2y
Ruthiella I‘ve only read Jane Eyre, but it‘s a favorite. 2y
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My current read for my bookclub with friends. This was my pick this month. ?

"Would you share your deepest secrets to save a friend?

In a tranquil neighbourhood of Tokyo, seven teenagers wake to find their bedroom mirrors are shining.
At a single touch, they are pulled from their lonely lives to a wondrous castle. They are confronted with a set of clues leading to a hidden room where one of them will be granted a wish."

KateReadsYA This sounds amazing. 2y
LoverOfLearning @KateReadsYA and it's translated! Really can't get better than that. 2y
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"I sometimes think I want to write a book of my life
So that when I meet you - or anyone new - I can hand it over and you can read it
Instead of trying to read me.
You can take it away and decide whether it's worth giving me your time.
You can think about if, the next time we are walking towards
each other, you'll smile without slowing down"

The quotes in this book speak to my soul. I predict a 5 star read.

JGadz11 Wow, that quote resonates! 2y
LoverOfLearning @JGadz11 there is so much beautiful poetry in this book. 🥰 2y
SilversReviews I enjoyed this book!! Thanks for the reminder. 2y
LoverOfLearning @SilversReviews I loved it to I gave it 5 stars! 2y
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Starting this one on audio.

Somedays I like books more than people and can immediately relate to this main character. There is a mystery about Loveday Cardew's past and she seemly has a secret admirer who is questioning her secrets. 📚

SilversReviews It is a good one…😊 2y
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Mrs. Mohr Goes Missing | Maryla Szymiczkowa
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Wow! Can we appreciate this cover. 😍 Stumbled upon this gem on Libby.

Gonna start this audiobook. It's a historical-fiction mystery with a female heroin detective. The story is set in 19th century Poland.

I love Agatha Christie and Shelock Holmes so I should enjoy this one.

DGRachel Zofia is delightful! Enjoy! 2y
LoverOfLearning @DGRachel Thanks! I'm 2 chapters on so far. :) 2y
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Very 50/50 for me. I did enjoy the mystery and the cultish vibes this book gave off.

I didn't love it because I had no connection to any of the characters and it was very limited setting wise. I was expecting a much cooler ending so it definitely fell flat for me at the very end.

3 stars / 5

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Okay but this book was sooooo goood. I loved everything about this and CHAUNCEY stop. He was so cute. 😭😭😭 The audiobook is the way to go to hear the funny and sweet character voices.

Although, I immediately ordered a hard cover so I can reread it and tab all my favorite quotes. (There's a lot)

A 7/5 star read. One of the top 2 I've read all year. !

Freespirit I loved it also! 2y
ju.ca.no It‘s such a great book!❤️ 2y
violabrain I just finished this one as well! I agree with you about Chauncey!!! ❤️❤️ (edited) 2y
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rmaclean4 Such a charming book! 2y
LoverOfLearning @violabrain right!! He just wants to be a bellhop. 😭😭🥰🥰 2y
PaperbackPirate Yes! One of my favorites for the year too. 💙 2y
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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An absolute 5 star listen! Yes queen. Good for you.

Loved this one.

she.hearts.horror I loved this book! 2y
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