This book ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Knight was such an anti-hero and I adored him so much! Great book - this is more erotic and steamy than a typical Ashley book.
This book ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Knight was such an anti-hero and I adored him so much! Great book - this is more erotic and steamy than a typical Ashley book.
I‘m not really sure how I feel about this. On one hand, I liked it. I liked Anya, I didn‘t dislike Knight (because apparently I like controlling alpha males-in my fiction at least), the sexy times were pretty hot. But...Knight is mostly definitely an anti hero. Yeah, he‘s got his reasons, but I still just don‘t know. I‘ll probably continue with the series even though I don‘t know if they‘re all actually related or not. But I‘m not in a hurry.
Kristen Ashley has a reading order on her author website and she suggests that Knight be read before the third book in her Chaos series, Ride Steady. I think it‘s fun when authors have series that interact with each other :)
2.5 stars. What the hell did I just read? This was not my normal Kristen Ashley book. Nothing to do with it being saucier either. This just didn't hit the spot for me at all. I guess I'm not a fan of the anti-hero trope or the Dom/Sub trope. I love a bossy alpha in my books, but once all of Knights layers were pealed back, I just ended up being disgusted by him. And don't even get me started on Anya...she's almost in the TSTL category. 😒📚🍰☕️
I mean, not completely. We're doing the annual Thibodeau clan gingerbread house competition on Saturday, and Sunday I'm seeing my 3 year old niece in The Nutcracker. But my dentist appt was cancelled and that means more reading time for meeee!!!! 👍🙌