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Final book for the #20in4Readathon. I absolutely loved this. Thanks for hosting this readathon @Andrew65 ! I had a great time and hope it‘s broken though my funk.

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2 books down for the #20in4 readathon! Gaslight was a solid 4 stars for me and is the book for my upcoming IRL group on Monday night. Butterfly Cove, I‘d give 3 stars. I liked some parts but not others and didn‘t feel a lot of chemistry between the mc‘s, also I felt like the mystery part ended abruptly with the ending of the book. @Andrew65

Night Shift | Annie Crown
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I finished this late last night. I loved it, it was sweet, funny in parts, had some steamy scenes (yet sweet too) shy college girl who works in the library falls in love with the schools star basketball player when he shows up on her night shift looking for a poetry book for a class. Miscommunication follows but in the end, they get their HEA, although they‘re young so it may just be a HFN. #JoyousJanuary #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65

DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 6mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏👏 6mo
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Night Shift | Annie Crown
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Cold, windy, snowy but this book is cute, light, and makes my heart warm. I‘ve spent the morning working on clearing a path to the windows because the hubs somehow booked someone to come out and give an estimate on doors and windows today. Plus, we‘ve been in this house since summer and I really want to finish unpacking and organizing. But now a reading break! #JoyousJanuary

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 6mo
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Juniper Hill | Devney Perry
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Absolutely love this series. I‘ve never read anything by Devney that I haven‘t devoured. #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 7mo
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Death Angel | Linda Howard
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Usually like her books but this one, while I enjoyed the premise, felt a little forced to me in the romance department. But it‘s a book I can get off my ohysical shelves and into a donation box. #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 👋🏻👋🏻Off the shelf, even better! 7mo
CocoReads @DieAReader I tend to read and keep but it‘s just not feasible. I‘m unlikely to reread most of my books so I‘m trying to just keep my very faborite ones, favorite series, sentimental ones from my childhood, etc. 7mo
DieAReader @CocoReads Makes sense. I have way too many to read & keep. I‘m not much of a re-reader so that shelf is pretty small lol 7mo
CocoReads Same, when we moved I swore I‘d be better but I still have a garage full of books and not enough room on the shelves. So I‘m trying to work harder on my physical tbr this year 7mo
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 Always good to clear a space. 7mo
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The Witness | Nora Roberts
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First finished book of 2024! Turns out I‘ve actually read it before but I think I read it when it came out in 2012 and didn‘t actually realize I‘d read it until I was halfway through. So, in my mind, it was a brand new read for me. 🤣It was a nice way to start my mini vacation after working solid from the day after Christmas through the 4th. #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

Andrew65 Well done, and enjoy your mini-vacation. 👏👏👏 I‘ve done that with books before. 7mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Great! 7mo
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The Outsiders | SE Hinton
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Last read of 2023! Technically it was a reread but it‘s been a few years. Still good, still made me cry. #publishedbeforeyouwereborn (1967, I believe, I was born in 70). #rushathonchristmaschallenge @Andrew65

Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 7mo
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Resurrection Walk | Michael Connelly
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I actually finished this late on the 29th and really enjoyed it. I‘ve read a couple Bosch books but not any Lincoln Lawyer ones and this one had both. Fantastic storytelling. I thought it would be my last read of 23 but I‘m working g on a re-read of the Outsiders and if I finish it trying to stay up for New Years, that will be my last one. #400+pages #rushathonchristmaschallenge @Andrew65

Andrew65 Excellent, well done 👏👏👏🙌 Happy New Year. 7mo
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Falling for My Fling | Dakota Davies
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The tagged book is, I think, the first in the series but this pictured book isn‘t in the Litsy database. The whole series is good. About a group of siblings in an Idaho mountain town, their father is dead and their mother has so@r mental issues and is living in a different state. Each book is about a different sibling finding love. The relationships make the series. This was #March best book for the #12BooksofChristmas @Andrew65

Andrew65 Always enjoy books about different people in families. 7mo
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The cover is gorgeous, the story was compelling. As usual, since it was almost a year ago, the details are fuzzy but this was my best book in #February2023 for the #12BooksofChristmas. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Sounds a wonderful book. 7mo
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One last gift from my sister. Back to work tomorrow to start my long stretch but I‘m already looking forward to my extra long weekend at the end of it. Happiest of Holidays Littens. I hope you‘ve all had a good day filled with love, peace, and books.

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The Personal Librarian | Marie Benedict, Victoria Christopher Murray
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Best book of January 2023. I read this for book group and loved it. Although now that it‘s been a year, I‘m fuzzy on the exact details. #12BooksofChristmas @Andrew65

Playing Hard to Get | Monica Murphy
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Just finished this one, so I can start one of my new books tomorrow. And it fills the #publishedindecember prompt for the #rushathonchristmaschallenge. Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate Littens.

The Graham Effect | Elle Kennedy
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Oh and these as well that I forgot to put in the bigger picture. These ones were actually a surprise, even though I was with the daughters when they bought them. 🤣🤣

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We did our Christmas early, since my youngest has to work tomorrow. Here‘s most of my haul (which really is that I buy these for myself and my kids wrap them. 🤣🤣 cut off in the pic are the tagged book and The Scene Book by Sandra Scofield). Just big Christmas with extended family tomorrow but that‘s more about eating and being together than gifts. There will be some, but mostly we all just like to hang out together.

LeslieO A very merry haul! 7mo
AmyG Nice. You get what you want! 7mo
CocoReads It started because my husband is bad at gifts and the girls always asked where my presents were when they were little. Now that they‘re adults, I could stop but it‘s really a lot of fun. And he was good at gifting this year but since he got me remote start for my jeep, there was nothing to wrap. 7mo
Christopher_Tallon I read Saturn Run by John Sandford. It was amazing. 7mo
CocoReads @Christopher_Tallon I haven‘t read that one. I‘m all about Lucas Davenport but after I finish this series (or rather catch up), I‘ll probably read one of the other books. I‘ve heard good things about Saturn Run. 7mo
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Playing Hard to Get | Monica Murphy
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Who says you can‘t read and prep at the same time? Enjoying a fine football romance while dipping ritz peanut butter sandwiches in white chocolate, which is a family favorite. Took them to work last week for out department party and one of the pharmacists thought they were most excellent. So I made extra because it‘s me and him for New Years Weekend, and we might need the sustenance. 🤣🤣

The Ghost Illusion | Kat Martin
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Finished this today while baking cookies. A solid haunted house/paranormal investigation book with some romance thrown in. While I enjoy romance, I was really in this one for the paranormal stuff. I‘m generous with my ratings so I‘d give it a solid 4 stars. Also I‘m using it as my #freechoice in the #rushathonchristmaschallenge

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Wyoming Proud: A Novel | Diana Palmer
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A quick read. I enjoy her books although I mainly picked this one up at the library because of the cover (there‘s a dog). I didn‘t think there was enough chemistry between the main characters to make the romance believable but I did enjoy it overall. Probably a 3.5 star read #borrowedbook #rushathonchristmaschallenge

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I know it‘s December readathon time, can‘t remember what we‘re calling it. 🤣 but I finished this one while getting my hair colored today. Nice, fairly believable romance between a widowed firefighter single dad (of 4!) and a shy reclusive artist from his hometown. The suspense part was subtly woven in and the menacing figure was a shocker to me. #treeoncover (well trees) for #rushathonchristmaschsllenge

Andrew65 Excellent 🎄🎄🎄 7mo
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From the Shadows | B.J. Daniels
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Meh, I enjoyed the mystery part of it, not so much the romance. I also had similar feelings for the first book in this series. But it‘s now off my physical TBR and on the donate pile. Also it was a #randomshelfpick for the #rushathonchristmaschallenge

Zip, Zero, Zilch | Tammy Falkner
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Read the series out of order, this is book 10 and I think I‘ve only read the first 3 or 4 so far but I needed a book that started with Z. Which is fine as each book is mostly about a different brother. This was good and I ugly cried while reading it, but it was sweet too. Some spicy moments but they made sense in the context. Filled #readpastmybedtime in the #rushathonchristmaschallenge @Andrew65

The Christmas Fix | Lucy Score
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Four days of utter nonsense at work and four more to go until a day off. What made it better? This-this book right here. A rom com hallmark movie, but a spicy one! Renovation reality show star wants to save the town of Merry which has been devastated by a hurricane. She‘s only got a few short months to do it. Standing in her way is a grumpy town manager and sparks fly. 🔥🔥🔥 highly recommend. #rushathonchristmaschallenge

Andrew65 Brilliant 🎄🎄🎄 Will have to search this one out. 8mo
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The X-List | Evie Mitchell
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I absolutely adored this book. Nice representation of a heroine with a disability (she‘s missing a leg), a swoon worthy book reading hero and a big crazy family. My only complaint was that I wish it was longer but there‘s more books about this family so I can‘t complain too much. Prompt 6 (made you lol) in the #rushathonchristmaschallenge @Andrew65

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This one isn‘t in the Litsy database but it‘s a spin-off of the one I did tag. Trying to finish my ABC chsllenge so I read this one. It was probably more a pick than a so-so and I‘ll probably read the rest of the series. But it was also prompt 16 (impulse read) in the #rushathonchristmaschallenge @Andrew65

Ocean Prey | John Sandford
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My affair with Lucas continues, despite my irritation at a secondary character that I liked getting knocked off, it did leave room for Virgil to join the investigation. It‘s was prompt 13 in the #rushathoncheistmaschallenge next in series. @Andrew65

Jack Frost: A Novella | Debbie Macomber
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Pretty decent for a 60 page book, essentially a short story. I received it in a book box, but probably wouldn‘t have paid money for it. But it was the first book I read for the #rushathonchristmaschallenge it‘s prompt 3: quick read. I tried putting it in StoryGraph and while it shows I added it, it‘s still saying I didn‘t read it, but that‘s minor details. @Andrew65

Neon Prey | John Sandford
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Lucas goes to Vegas via New Orleans and Los Angeles. Top notch work, we get to spend time with his new pals from the Marshalls service, Rae and Bob. Spent the morning with my parents, who are moving to their “last” last house in a couple of weeks so I swung by to pick some stuff up. They‘re super downsizing so I‘ve been bringing some stuff home here and there. But I really need a bigger house. 🤣

CoverToCoverGirl I hope all is well.. 💙 10mo
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Little House in the Big Woods 75th Anniversary Edition | Laura Ingalls Wilder, Garth Williams
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Still a favorite of mine. #SeriesLove2023 #JoyousJanuary. Fills a couple of prompts for my many reading chsllenges this year. @Andrew65

Tamra My chapter book reading life began here. ❤️ 2y
CocoReads @Tamra pretty sure mine did too. These, the boxcar children, encyclopedia brown are what I remember from this age. Shortly after that I discovered Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Judy Blume, Trixie Beldon. And I just took off from there. 2y
Andrew65 A great series of books, well done. 2y
Tamra @CocoReads echo Trixie Beldon! My grandmother gave me books in both series. I wish I could thank her now. 2y
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1st book in the #joyousjanuaryreadathon and also #setieslove2023 I‘m still reading Little House in the big woods and will probably finish that tonight as well. Goodreads tells me I read this before but I sure didn‘t remember it! Kept me guessing the whole time, so that was good. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Brilliant start, well done 🥳 2y
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I‘m pretty sure a childhood dog chewed on this. I got the whole set for Christmas in 78 (when I was 8). I thought I‘d re-read them as part of #serieslove2023. Additionally, I think it fills a prompt or two on some of my other reading challenges this year. Check out the low low price of $1.99. Those were the days!

TEArificbooks There is a buddy read group reading a chapter a day of the whole series. We are on farmer boy now. #littlehouse 2y
CocoReads @TEArificbooks that‘s pretty cool. Idk what pace I‘ll set with these, I don‘t get a lot of reading in on workdays but it‘s nice to know others are enjoying some of my childhood favorites. 2y
MaureenMc My grandmother gave me this one & Little House on the Prairie for Christmas when I was 8. 😊 Must have been the go-to books to gift 8 yo girls in the late 70s/early 80s. 😁 2y
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Northern Lights | Nora Roberts
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Finished this last night before bed but today has been a whirlwind. Work, finally (mostly) kicking the headache I‘ve had for the past week, we‘ve been low key house hunting so we looked at a house this afternoon (it‘s not the house for us), I‘m just now sitting down to read/catch up. This is not Nora‘s best, but I love books set in Alaska and other cold things so I‘d give it 3.5 stars.

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The Personal Librarian | Marie Benedict, Victoria Christopher Murray
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My rooms still a mess, and the tension headache I‘ve had most of the week is back, but I‘m done with the book! On some level I knew these types of positions exist, but I had no idea what they really were about. But there‘s so many layers to Belle‘s life, I couldn‘t possibly get into all my thoughts here. Just a great read and my second book of 2023.

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The Personal Librarian | Marie Benedict, Victoria Christopher Murray
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My rooms a mess and I don‘t feel real great this morning but book group is tomorrow and I still have half the book to read. So I‘m going to have my breakfast, read, and try to motivate myself to get some housework done. Happy Saturday Littens!

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Book 1 of 2023 down! It wasn‘t the book I started with but it‘s the one I finished first. 🤣This was pretty good, I didn‘t guess the killer right away. A couple questions that the author didn‘t wrap up though, and that kind of annoyed me but overall a well written fast paced suspense/mystery type book.

The Personal Librarian | Marie Benedict, Victoria Christopher Murray
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Happy New Year Littens! Here are my first 2 books of 2023! I‘m bouncing back and forth between them. The Personal librarian is for my IRL book group and I need to have it finished by next Sunday. Midnight Caller is just for fun. I‘m off today and tomorrow so I‘m hoping to make good progress.

AnneCecilie Happy New Year 🎆 2y
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Untitled | Untitled
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I did it! Book 100. Going to keep reading as it‘s only going on 7 pm here but I‘m going to either work on longer books or get a jump start on my first read of 2023. Or a combination of both. We‘ll see what happens! I enjoyed this “quickie” high school reunion insta love/mean girl story. Still only 3 stars since it was so short there wasn‘t any character development. #WinterReadathon #ReadingMyWayTo2023

Andrew65 Well done on getting to 100. 2y
Jas16 🙌🏽 2y
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Different book, same author. Another short one so it‘s book 99 for me. Just another so so read although I do love this cover. #WinterReadathon #ReadingMyWayTo2023

Andrew65 A great total, well done ☃️☃️☃️ 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
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As a lead in to #SeriesLove2023 I read this short 75 page novella as part of my personal #readingmywayinto2023 weekend. One of the series I‘d like to tackle is this Lucy Kincaid series but it‘s been so long since I read any of them, I figured I‘d start fresh! 2 more books to hit 100 in 2022! #WinterReadathon

Andrew65 A popular author. 2y
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Challenge Accepted! | Celeste Barber
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Late on Resolution planning day! Naturally I‘ve bitten off more than I can chew but a lot of these overlap and I‘m not going to feel pressured to finish any of them but I‘ll reward myself for each one I do finish (not sure what that will look like though). Goodreads goal remains 100 books. #WinterReadathon

DieAReader 💜💜💜 2y
Andrew65 Best of luck, looks as though it should be a good reading year. 2y
CocoReads Thanks @Andrew65 I hope so—I‘m starting to settle into my new job title although it‘s still a lot of extra work but reading is one of my great stress relievers so we‘ll see how it goes. 2y
Andrew65 @CocoReads Reading is always the same with me and when I am not reading I am not in balance. 2y
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1 short book down, 3 to go and I‘ll hit 100 for the year. Not reflected on goodreads because I was bad about updating. This was just ok. It was what I was expecting:insta love, pregnancy, a hint of danger. It‘s a fun series so far, but it‘s only book 2 and I tend to just read these when I want something quick and brainless. #winterreadathon

Andrew65 Well done ☃️☃️☃️ 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳Nothing wrong with brainless, it‘s like short 🌶️eroticas lol, a palate cleanser. Besides, imo, brainless works sometimes when nothing else does😉🤷🏻‍♀️🤓📚 (edited) 2y
CocoReads Sure does. I‘m doing a murder short right now—in between calls from work (I can‘t escape!) 2y
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Also went to the library for the first time in months. Their hours aren‘t compatible with my hours (or my desire to leave the house on my days off) but I managed to hold myself down to just 7 books.

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Different book, same author. I have 4 books to make 100 for 2022. I‘m off until Tuesday afternoon so I‘m going to try to read my way into 2023 so I‘ve picked some shorter books and will give it a go. This was at work yesterday. The regular burrito from El Amigo is big enough to feed me for 2 days.

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Yeah, I know Christmas was yesterday. It‘s still cold and I‘m off today so I figured I‘d try to squeeze one more Christmas read in this year. #Winterreadathon @Andrew65

Andrew65 Hope you enjoy it. I‘ve still got a few Christmas reads I want to get through. 2y
CocoReads I‘m loving it. I‘m only on chapter 7 but its actually a pretty quick read. I just keep getting distracted. 2y
CoverToCoverGirl Love that cover! 2y
Octoberwoman Nothing wrong with that! I like Christmas themed books all year round, they‘re always feel good stories. 2y
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Not book related but one of my favorite gifts this year. From my daughter, who inherited my wacky sense of humor. I plan to put it in the guest bathroom of our new house, whenever we find a new house.

JamieArc 😆😆 2y
Sleepswithbooks Love!!! 2y
CarolynM 🤣🤣 2y
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Typically the only books I get for Christmas are the ones I buy myself while shopping for others. I always buy a book planner and I‘ve been buying this one from Little Inklings for the last couple of years. My hubs did get me an Amazon card though—which probably be spent on ebooks. I have a couple more hood coming from the ‘zon but they were delayed by the Blizzard. #ChristmasBookHaul

Andrew65 Some excellent books in there! 2y
CocoReads A lot of these are books for book group. We went to planning a year in advance which is nice because it gives us time to get from the library, read chunksters ahead of time, etc. we started a couple years ago doing that and it‘s saved so many headaches 2y
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#12Booksof2022 best book of February—this is not the cover I have and February was an atrocious month of reading for me but I‘ve been slowly working my way through the Bridgerton books and it was the best for that month. @Andrew65

Andrew65 An excellent series. 2y
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Since I‘m totally bad at taking pictures I leave you with a picture of the drifts outside my brother in laws man cave (aka a concerted chicken coop), this was from a couple days ago. Todays weather was much better although the roads are still pretty icy. And drifty. Internet was out too but we had a nice low key Christmas. Going to snuggle in with some reading and then turn in early.

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It was my first book group read of the year and easily my favorite of January. It‘s part of a series, which I didn‘t know going in and I hate reading series out of order but I don‘t think that mattered much and eventually I want to go back to the beginning. #12Booksof2022

Andrew65 This sounds a great read. 2y
CocoReads It was super good-not my typical read but I was intrigued and kept turning pages. 2y
SilversReviews This was good…LOVE his books!! 2y
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Hard to tell in the pic but Pearl got a new antler bone as one of her presents. We did our opening with the kids last night because one daughter has to work today. She slept through the first few gifts but then she woke up and started trying to eat the presents. So we have her one gift to keep her busy while we finished. It was a big hit.

Sleepswithbooks 🐶🥰🐶🥰 2y
TheSpineView Adorable! 2y
CocoReads She‘s very spoiled but we love her. 2y
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