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Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts, 4th edition
Presidential Elections and Other Cool Facts, 4th edition | Sobel,Syl
3 posts
Young readers will be fascinated by attention-catching facts as they read about major presidential campaigns, from George Washingtons election in 1789 to Barack Obamas victory in 2008 and 2012. Questions answered include: Who can run for president? ... Who can vote? ... What is the Electoral College? ... What is a third-party candidate? ... What if something happens to the president? Unusual facts kids will discover include: Which Republican president had a Democrat for his vice president? ... Who was the only U.S. President to be elected for more than two terms? Which candidates have won the popular vote but lost the election? ... Why was President Truman happy in 1948, when he read the Chicago Tribune headline that declared: "Dewey Defeats Truman"? Syl Sobel's account is guaranteed to enliven history and social studies classes, as boys and girls learn about some of the most important events in the history of presidential elections. (Ages 9 and older)
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Historic. Promising. To put it mildly, I‘m so looking forward to this change in leadership. Rather, this return to true leadership. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

Cathythoughts So happy 🎉 4y
vivastory Yes!! 4y
SamAnne Yes!!!!!!! 4y
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KVanRead All of this! Yes!!!! 4y
Deblovestoread 💙💙💙 4y
KatieDid927 💙💃🏻💙 4y
sprainedbrain Yes! 💙💙💙💙💙 4y
JackOBotts @Cathythoughts @vivastory @SamAnne @KVanRead @Kdgordon88 @KatieDid927 @sprainedbrain 💙💙 I feel a bit more at ease today; there is hope once again! 💙💙 4y
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Great children‘s book about the election process and other fun facts about the presidents!


This children‘s book has lots of interesting facts about how they elect the president and what would happen if s/he was unable to fulfill his/her duties as required by the office they hold.

RaimeyGallant Sounds interesting. 6y
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