Sharing this book because it's a fun little hunting demons romp that suits the season.
Happy Sp🎃🎃ktober !
Please tag and share 🤓
Sharing this book because it's a fun little hunting demons romp that suits the season.
Happy Sp🎃🎃ktober !
Please tag and share 🤓
Who can work when it's a beautiful sunny day and you have a fun monster slayer book just sitting around?!!
Thx @ceci_reads for the tag!
This Time by Azaaa Davis #blackvoices 😊
Read outside in the sun
Being at the #blm protest on parliament hill in Ottawa. Amazing vibes. And many, many face masks lol
Tagging anyone who hasn't played yet (I've lost track... sorry)
#summervibes @magyklyXdelish
This Time started off slow but interesting, and with a lot of information. Besides the slow start, it was paced rather well and the action helped to keep it going. There was one part where it stumbled a bit and felt like the story didn't know it's own direction but that quickly resolved. The world building was great and I really enjoyed how the characters were developed. Nadira is kickass! Overall, This Time is a unique and enjoyable quick read.
There were many reveals that took place in this story & they were all major ones for Nadira. There was never a dull moment in this story & the pacing, with the twists & turns, kept me flipping the pages wondering what was going to take place next & hoping that Nadira would be able to handle the next blow. This story was action packed with a nice plot & had a strong finish. Full review at www.thegenreminx.com #bookreviewer #TheGenreMinxBookReviews